Have you collected your CoinGecko Candies?

in #teammalaysia4 years ago

I have already gotten mine!

@coingecko as we know it is a cool analytical cryptocurrency platform which offers the latest scoops there is to know about the crypto world. CoinGecko has been my preferred platform to get the newest and trusted crypto news.

Personally, I find it really awesome to be able to learn new crypto terms which they occasionally share if you happen to follow their FB page, like me!

Introducing the yummy "CoinGecko Candies"!


Recently, I discovered that CoinGecko has released a new feature known as CoinGecko Candies. Being their follower and a fan on FB page, I guess this is a privilege to know early.


Apparently, the candies are rewarded on a daily basis. Hence, you are allowed to collect 10 points daily and can be accumulated up to 7 days.


I discovered that there are quite plenty of cool things you can use with the candies. I have already redeemed the first 10 points with the limited edition Blockchain Heroes NFT featuring Gecko. Awesome!


More than that, you also can use the candies in the CoinGecko Store, Cobo Products, DeFi Books and Epic NFT.

I'm really excited about the development they make and looking forward to more awesome features CoinGecko has to offer!

If you haven't followed CoinGecko on their FB page, here's the link:


Thanks for the heads up. I use COBO and get candies there as well.

Awesome! Cheers buddy!

Thank you for the sharing bro. Nice one

Cheers bro!