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RE: The only blue sky I'll be seeing for 10 days

in #teamuk2 years ago

Get well soon. I hope you won't suffer much.

🤦‍♀️ How could I miss the guessing contest? I need to think about your fairy's name tomorrow as right now I'm feeling like crap.


Tap tap tap.... waiting impatiently,,🤨

There are 7 names there already, just need to guess which one I choose.

Why are you feeling crap? You ok?

I'm ok, I mean it's bearable but not normal. I hope it's nothing.

Heading over to see the names, let's see if I can dream about the right name 😉

I'm sure you'll be fine, nothing that a good night's sleep won't fix. Take care

You should have tagged me, yet you haven't! 🙁