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RE: How did your Christmas go?

in #teamuk6 months ago

Those postbox toppers are too gorgeous, very festive, and such a nice change from the usual Christmas decorations!
Your meal looks delicious, with my sweet tooth I would have made sure I left enough space for the beautiful dessert, looks like a traditional Yule log?
We always remember those who no longer are with us at Christmas time, this year's as you know was a big one, but the day turned out really nice in the end. We shared secret Santa gifts which was a lot of fun, I drew the number 1 'ticket' so was first to choose a gift from the ladies' pile of gifts. Of course, everyone was trying to swop gifts with each other, but I held onto my scented candle ;)
What a lovely surprise and nice gesture from @zirochka, awesome how we are able to make friends with people from all over the world here on Hive!


The toppers is one of my favourtie Facebook group at the moment, there's always new toppers popping up around the country. The people who make them are so talented and selfless.

It's been many years since I made a Christmas log, so long that my husband said he's never seen me make one and we've been married for a very long time. For some reason I seem to remember my logs always broke when I roll them, but this time round they turned out fine. I even taught my sister in law to make one when she came round for dinner because she's never baked before. Talk of the blind leading the blind 😅

Scented candles are lovely to have around the house, and is so soothing on a cold winter night. Well done for keeping hold of it!!