Day 22/23 of LUT Squats Challenge

in #teamuk8 months ago

On Day 22 I failed to do any squats at all as I was hosting dinner for friends in the evening and busy during the day prepping - all by myself as husband is still immobile.

I made up for it yesterday on Day 23. After a days break, I did a set of 70 squats during the day, then later on in the evening smashed my record and did 100 squats all in one go. When I got to 60ish squats which is my usual max, I thought I'd collapsed but surprisingly I didn't feel tired and had so much energy so kept on going, bit like an engine that is running very smoothly. I felt so chuffed with myself.

There were 30 more to go to make up for the previous day. I did those before
I went to bed. They were more difficult and I just about managed to complete them to complete 200 squats for the day.

Now my knees ache a little. Going to take it easy today and do small sets so I don't have injure myself.

One more week to go, got to hang in there squaters!!

Here's my progress so far

Squats Challenge - Day 23
Over achieved320


My Squats Challenge is to raise fund for Cancer Research, you can find the full details of it in this post here


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100 squats in a row, achievement unlocked! Congratulations! You definitely deserve to take it easy today. Only one more week to go! 😉 !BEER

I don't think I'll be doing 100 again soon🥲. My knees still hurt today!!! Can't wait for next week.

Hey @lut-studio, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Wow, 100 in a row. That is fantastic! And 200 for the day! That's an amazing accomplishment. I'm going to have to try to reach that...