
We need to build the meshnet ... an internet without an off switch or a censor at the door ... Its also free to access ...many communities are starting to build them ...please join in and support one in your community ... we can take back the airways so easily if we work together ... Think of it an internet that has no off switch ... free to access ... easy to build ... now put a cryptocurrency on it and you have the infrastructure that the people of the world can build on without being robbed and lied to at every corner old post on meshnets ..all you need to know to start one ...

Have you looked into holo / holochain ?

No but i am looking it up now .. always keeping an eye open for new great ideas

This was the video from their crowd funder, the holo ports are shipping in the next couple of months :D

Holo net on the meshnet sounds great ...

howardblott -

Thanks, listening to the podcast now, bookmarked the blog page, and subscribed to the Holo youtube channel.

I appreciate the commentary in the podcast modeling the notion that "the future is listening".

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Great to hear :-) enjoy following the evolution/unfolding​ of Holo!

Interesting, I've known folks around these parts that are/were Ham enthusiasts. I still see some antennas here and there. However I can't imagine the intrusion of gov't licensing radio operation as not being a switch that gov't can't yank off the wall entirely.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

thelifeofbrian - got my interest but I'm on a dirt road, 1 of 4 residences in over a mile through forest, no cell service, no cable, no broadband. My community is almost literally me turning circles with three chickens, possum George and many deer. Still, I'm not opposed to having my own internet. Ahhh I see your meshnets post link now. Thanks

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Ya you might need to go with a ham licence and use the hamnet in the back country .. but a meshnet can be built up enough using a variety of tec to cover remote areas ... the mesh like our internet we have now will grow to cover more remote places ..

And here I am sharing my data response...

Fuck 'em.

Not just the big tech monopolies, the archons, but the collective(s).

This entire "Selfish Ledger" paradigm is false. It was created within the knowledge that it is false. It yields no threat to natural law. The paradigm therefore has a calculable utility defaulting to "Breeding Livestock 101". It appears more or less to me as a declaration of scientism victory via occupation. However occupation can never equate to victory over natural law. Google overplays every hand in kind with their Zionist masters. Again, fuck 'em. This too will pass.

Technology does not make evil any more or less destructive to the universe. Even those who choose to recognize themselves in the world but not of it suffer while occupying conscious form. However, life is not form. Form is merely the art of living. Even those who reject truth are accountable for evil manifest in their ignorance. That is the role of altruism the philosophy of death, and death has no enemy.

Life is existence, and living is a growth-centric experience. As form plays the least important role in free will, it follows that Google has failed from the onset to identify the enemy, and that error never changes, as they are their own worst enemy. The arrogance of psychopathy is the tell that never stops giving. Google has no interest in truth, natural law, or humanity. Google is a reflection of their masters that can not create but only mimic and inverse. Everything Google does "tells" this to be so. Know them for what they are and lead them deeper into truth where they will expire. In the meantime, cut traitors out of your life like cancer.

And...boogie till you puke.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Enjoyed that ... and a lot of truth in it ..👍