WeChat's subscriber reached 100 million

in #technology6 years ago

WeChat is China's most dominating social networking app. The app is known in the country as 'Wisin'. Apart from messaging services, it also offers other services including online transportation services. Globally active users of China-based instant messaging app WeChat touched the milestone of hundreds. The company has recently released this information. In the number of subscribers, WeChat is backward than Facebook-based WhatsApp. Currently, the monthly active user of WhatsApp reached 150 million.

Many popular app activities in China have been discontinued. Some apps are still running in a limited way. As a result, Wechat owned by the Internet giant Tencent is becoming popular among the Chinese.

Most of the increase in subscriber numbers of WeChat come from Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States. Many Chinese citizens live outside the country and they are using this app to contact their friends and relatives living in China. A recent Amnesty International report says that Tencent's position in the company's proprietary organization of 11 of the most popular messaging apps in the bottom.