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RE: ADSactly Tech News - Bizarre Technology That Has Disrupted Our World!

in #technology6 years ago

Well, if mass production of waffle cones leads to lower price and means that I get so much as 3 molecules more Ice Cream than I am utterly in favor of it.

The apple corer/peeler doesn't do much for me. I prefer my apple with the peel on, so I use a tool that divides the apple into 6 slices and separates the core. Works fine for me.

I love seeing the globe made. And I love globes in general. The hand writing is a sort of a wash for me. I haven't written an actual letter in years and can't see that I am any poorer for it.

Thanks for a great article that gives me a look at some technologies that I didn't even know of.


Haha great thoughts on ice cream! I guess the apple peeler has no business in bigtom's world! I thought the globe was very interesting myself.. It was one of those, wow ok so that's how globes are made! Thanks again for dropping by buddy.