Are Robots here to stay? no more jobs?

in #technology6 years ago

I am probably not the first and most of us will follow.



Now I can still be able to get another job but this will become harder and harder... Will we all still have jobs in 10 years, 20 years??
Recently I came across the first self driving truck (no, not by Tesla) by Volvo and they even have a self driving garbage truck for example

This is just one example of the robots taking over.
Just looking at the Tesla Factories or an Amazon delivery sites are other ones. Or what about the shop without cashiers in Seatle by Amazon Go? Driverless Ubers? Autonomous taxi drones?
I got laid off because there is an easier/cheaper solution possible with autonomous trading/pricing algorithms.
Slowly tech companies are autonomising their production facilities. Computers and AI are taking over processes. There will always be some people working but I would assume not enough to give us all something to do...

How do we fix this??

back to nature?

  • In my opinion not valid since there are already to many humans to be able to live without technological assistance
    I think we can tax the tech companies more and use that to pay everyone some basic means of living or just generate it on a Blockchain.

Universal Basic Income...

This is an idea supported by Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson and Bernie Sanders (do not know if our @berniesanders does)
They are all proponents of a universal basic income model


they are already running test cases in Finland and are proposing one in California.

But should we let the government decide on how much everyone gets?

Would it not be smarter to get a DAC (decentralized Autonomous Coorporation) set up since we are making everything autonomous and there might be room for something like an eosDAC that @lukestokes is helping with or maybe we could think of even supporting an idea like mannabase which is a blockchain that gives you a small amount of coins every day as a basic universal income...

The thing is that I would say that the people that get involved into crypto and the new decentralized world will be the ones better off in the future and the ones that are skeptic and stay on the sidelines or fight every change will be stuck with only the basics.

We should be considering ourselves lucky that we are part of the early adopters in this space.


So, do you think you will have a job in 20 years? Are you ready for the future?

all pictures royalty free from

Robots are here to stay.

But it will take many decades before the 'more intelligent' jobs will get taken over.

like I stated, I am a trader and being replaced by an algorithm... and it will increase. Many decades might be optimistic

Robots are here to stay, but I can not say how I feel about driverless trucks and cars. I had to get over my fear/shock when I found out Dockland Light Rail in London was driverless or remotely controlled. In that case I could reason to myself it was a fixed track and they had almost 100% control of their route and the users. Coming to the point of driverless cars - I would be on the road too! The thought freaks me out.
What next pilot-less planes

well the pilots are mostly for show already anyway
they only come into action in emergencies if i get things right

@felander are you trying to scare me from flying? Now I'll have to walk everywhere. Self driving car, trains now self flying planes. What next selg sailing ships?

Machenical industry and automotive have already lost a lot of manpower on robots. They may carry better advantage than us people, but they do more harm than good when it comes to unemployment.

Usage of machinery has itself escalated the problem of joblessness, and it is worse now that manufacturers prefer to use robots to do human work.

What can we do?

I believe blockchain has done and will do a lot in releaving us, but in a few years it will be saturated so much that new users will find it tough to make a living out of it

what can we do, that also was my question in part??
we can prepare, get some passive income would be a good idea, get some crypto might be a good idea as well

No just loose jobs is going to be taking place in 20 years time, women may not have lovers, the robotic dolls would have taken over their men. 🙊nice content, it was an interesting read.

you might have thought that was funny about the dolls but...

"The dolls are ideal employees,’ Evelyn told Vice. ‘They’re always here because they’re never sick, they always look good and they offer all three holes with no complaints or extra charges" I was Laughing when i read that.

Also, your link said some women accompany their husband's and wait for them in the car is another dimension to the whole thing.

This is seriously going to run some people out of business.

robots are already part of our lives. The production lines are littered with their presence all over the world and that affected hundreds of thousands jobs for last 25 years.
Although they are several decades away from being part of our daily lives but they already started replacing humans since the eighties in the industry.

yea, but my proposition is that it might be 20 years more but not a lot and then they will have changed everything so much that it will be hard to recognise the world we live in today

The truckers go first, then the bartender's and waitresses (try convincing a robot your not over the legal BAC 😒), then everyone else. I believe culinary, executives and us developers may be around another 20yrs 😎👍


But not much longer.

I personally don't think autonomous trucks are going to take off that easily.
Trucker's job involves more than going from point A to point B. They also check the load frequently to make sure it's on there tight. Fill out of the paper work and sign them as an agent of the company they work for. Protect the cargo from thefts, etc etc...

Autonomous trucks are going to make it way too easy to steal the cargos. If you need something expensive transported, would you like to have a transported by a human or a robot?

I disagree. Logistics alone will force this issue in any capitalist market. The trucks don't need to eat, use the bathroom or sleep 6+hrs... but they Can, detect changes in weight, pull into a weigh station, pull themselves into a gas station, pull themselves into a service station (where more robots attend to the repairs) and call for help.

Let's ignore that much of the theft are inside jobs, which would be less likely to know what is being transported if it's run on a blockchain or similar tech. Stealing from these trucks may be a shot in the dark and chances are they will be carrying autonomous connected security measures along for the ride, like drones. Imagine the 'police copter' will go up automatically in any sign of danger, detected automatically or by a driver/pilot/monitor at the UPS center... he can track, call the authorities etc, from the safety of a workstation.

Thousands of road hours and human errors saved, the autonomous truck industry can't be avoided.

It's actually a scary thought if you think about it.. I was shocked and fascinated by the store that opened up in Seattle, on the other side we see that robots are taking over and that in a few years there are no stores with workers left.. So everything will be replaced! I'm not sure if that will already happen in the next 20 years, but it will definitely come & the earlier we find a solution for it the better it will be for us :)