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RE: Apple Creates Black Hole In Lab

in #technology6 years ago

Trouble is, they used dark matter to create the aHole. Because of this, it doesn't interact with ordinary matter except through gavity. Supposedly, the only “visible” indication of this dark matter aHole is through x-rays from the accretion disk. Apple claims that since most matter in the universe is dark matter, this isn't a big deal.

It's just another example of how Apple tries to keep things simple and only offer features they think the universal user needs. But I mean, come on. How hard would it be to just add a little ordinary matter to the process so that power users can actually be productive??


The power users will complain, but once they really start to use Apple's aHole most of them will be satisfied. It is all conjecture at this point anyway, Apple will keep their aHole in the dark until the time is right.