Anti-electric Shock System with Bluetooth Technology Integration

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians. I am going to introduce to you our project.

We, The Innovators (name of the group), made a system that is really helpful in every home. This is a system that will ensure the safety of each member of the family. Since electrocutions and short circuits are one of those plenty reasons or causes of death nowadays, we came up with this idea in creating this kind of project.

This can prevent electrocutions when touching any of the line(220V). An application of the phone is use to monitor the status of the system and of what kind of load is inserted to its socket.

Take a few minutes of your time to watch this video. Hope you'll enjoy.

PS: only this video I can share to you as of now.

Thanks for watching :) Feel free to reply this post.

I am a part of @steemitfamilyph. Join us! Follow - Upvote - Resteem - Comment


This is truly interesting☺️ Hope you can share more about that project..

thanks bata. but the whole information is still confidential. :)

Happy to show my support from a fellow Engineering-course. I will watch it later when I get home. Hahaha!