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RE: Time to Embrace AI: Entry Level Machine Learning Hardware is Cheap!

in #technologylast year

I think the trades are safe up until they start normalizing 3D printing houses and shit.

They already have surgery robots that use human input to do very fine surgery shit over the internet.. Nothing the doctor does in that situation an AI won't be able to be trained on.. Sure maybe you keep one person in the loop or something, but as far as grunt work and shit goes.. There will be no need for it.. Probably why we are seeing the mRNA depopulation shit going on imo.

You have some points there.. The cost to develop a countertop fitting bot and shit would be impractical for the time being. As a person who wears many hats myself I know that half of what I do can be replaced and I'm ok with that. Not all the tasks in the day I do or whatever are enjoyable.

3D printing / additive manufacturing fucks (rocks) for lack of a better term.. the ability to prototype things at home or make molds for casting stuff taht plastic isn't a proper material is nuts. On the decentralization idea I 100% agree. relying on the powers / corpos at be is a hell of a bad idea.. as they have not our best interest in mind but control, profit and power.

Funny you menti9on the diagnosis stuff.. Actually have a buddy that is working on that for medical imaging and I'm helping with the training of that, guy has the resources to build top of the line compute machines and the amount of training data to pull it off.. Will be a hell of a project. Squaring off against guys like GE medical division is appealing to me.

LIDAR is fucking nuts... Hell a lot of the EMF/RF shit they have now a days both in public and black projects would put 1984 to shame. Won't get into the "conspiracy woo woo" shit but if people knew the capabilities of EMF spectrum manipulation and the way they are spraying chemtrails into the sky to increase the conductivity of everything they'd shit themselves. Hell even working on RADAR stuff locally here, with a few software defined radios and some craft algo implementation even things like WIFI cards can actually become sensing units!

Coding the stuff and learning to overcome the challenges that putting ideas into creation is half the fun for me.. If it was easy everyone would develop stuff. It's an ability to apply ingenuity.. and that is where I find meaning in life.

lol, as far as comments go you're up there in the show of thought, it's never mindless shit and I always appreciate the push back and alternative view point to help keep my own views more realistic or atleast see what someone else thinking about this shit is working through objectively. Cheers!


"...the EMF/RF shit they have now a days..."

The laws of physics are unequivocal. It's very simple to show that if A-B=C then C+B=A. Every microphone is a speaker, and every camera is a monitor - and vice versa. More doesn't need to be said.

"'re up there..."

Another person that has received comment from me put things a little differently. He said I was 'out there'. LOL