Technology: Facebook is mutating into META?

in #technology3 years ago

Zuckerberg wants to put us all together in ‘Metaverse’: What does it look like?

Mark Zuckerberg announced that his Facebook company is now called Meta, but that doesn’t mean Facebook is disappearing. The largest social network, as well as their other applications, WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger and products will continue to be under its name. But a much more significant thing in the whole story is the metaverse, Zuckerberg’s new vision of social media and the internet in the future that seems to have pulled it out of science fiction.

Although what he showed is closer to The Sims than the Matrix. He described it as a blend of virtual and augmented reality and other technologies that should allow us to create and explore with other people who aren’t in the same physical space as us. Simply put, to imagine the Internet as a 3D environment we can step into, not just as a computer or cell phone screen.

Zuckerberg showed a series of concept videos in which they try to portray what the whole thing should look like. According to them, it would be a world of interconnected virtual communities in which we can socialize, work and have fun, using augmented reality glasses, virtual reality devices or our mobile phones and other devices. They also showed the possibility of sending our holographic avatar to a concert where someone is live.

They also thought of working from home and Zoom calls, so Zuckerberg would now push us with colleagues into the virtual office. All of this should rely on new and more advanced sensors in Oculus VR virtual reality devices or the recently introduced augmented reality glasses. Facebook sees this as an opportunity and a direction for the development of the digital economy.

Image Source: Canva.Com


Facebook are looking for a way to steal people money. They like to block account Means if you have any thing in your metaverse wallet means if they block your Facebook account. Your metaverse wallet account will be block. My question is, who will take the token you have in your block wallet. That means they will take it. Is better we don't make use of Facebook metaverse because you will not have rest of mind.

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I am 11 years on Facebook, never blocked once, have developer account and bank connected, everything fine, nothing stolen, bought adverts, owe them 2 dollars from 6 years ago, never heard anyone asking me to pay... but I was only few days on Twitter, suspend immediately. So...
Also, many webs rob me off for money that I worked for months with original content and writing till my fingers turned into iron, let's start with Freelancer that is tot shit!!!! - I am used to fraud, so if Facebook wants to rob my LINKS that I re-share from Hive enabled blog and take that 0.0001 HBD, they can have it for Zuck coffin and kiss my ass along way if I allow. But if they do, yes, everyone will know that they took it, what they took, how and what reason they gave.
Till now, I still have to see them being fraudulent to my wallet.
Facebook make money off us. Same like Google. Same like the phone company we pay. Same as any website with adverts. That is all same.
I don't believe Metaverse will do anything important to my $$ or it will earn much for anyone, even if I saw a writer from India doing few dollars with content network, but he did not mention CRYPTO.

Okay that's your own believe

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