Ted takes on the Anarchists!

in #tedcruz4 years ago

When the senate has hearings on anarchism, you can bet none of the positives associated with not hitting your neighbor with sticks because reasons will be emphasized.
They will naturally stick with the molotovs and window smashers that folks throw in self defense.

Yes, self defense, ignoramus.
The system violently oppresses us.
Try getting out line, slave!


Natasha Lennard: Ted Cruz’s Hearing on Anarchist Protest Violence Was a Total Farce

Cruz kept mentioning Democrats’ failure to condemn a murder that was actually carried out by the far right — and refused to be corrected.

The Intercept, August 5, 2020

On Tuesday afternoon, with Congress still failing to agree on an urgent pandemic relief package, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, brought together a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee to propagandize.
Instead of helping the pandemic-stricken, Cruz chaired an hours long spectacle of a hearing designed to peddle misleading narratives about anarchists and anti-fascists.

If the propagandistic title of the hearing — “The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble: Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence” — wasn’t enough to show his aims, Cruz’s own comments made clear the proceedings’ purpose as political theater.
In a telling moment, Cruz twice chastised his Democratic colleagues for praising peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters while failing to condemn “antifa” and the “terrorists” who killed a federal security officer, Dave Patrick Underwood, during a May protest in Oakland. Cruz’s implication was clear: The left killed Underwood.

Yet Underwood was killed by a member of the far right — one of 329 murders carried out by right-wing extremists since 1994.

Read more.

I have to believe that most of you reading this have never been outside the lines very far, if ever.

Not everybody is raised in in a white bread world, some of us face challenges that people from white bread worlds have a hard time imagining.
Don't get it wrong, white breaders have their own unique set of problems, but one of those isn't having their darkest secrets on display, that would smash the illusions they live within.

The blockchain is coming, everybody will live with their lives on display.
It appears inevitable.

Welcome to the panopticon!