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RE: Earth’s Cavity: A Life Below - Tell A Story To Me

in #tellastorytome5 years ago

Gaby, this is such a delight. The way you layer this from the off, her father having brought her here as a child, the nostalgic feel of a pink hard hat, contrast against this moment, is such a strong way to open. You use symbolism and metaphor so flawlessly through the whole story, I suspect you must have done it without realising, the caves have the feeling of the dark passages of memory her mind goes to as she flees down them. The moment with her dad is hair raising on its own, and then when it's significance comes to light, it's beautifully done.

The total immersion really works, not allowing the reader a peep more insight than she has, it is almost like a fortune telling putting down a card and meeting my eye, I know this field of dreams and nightmares will come up again, but there are cards still to be drawn before you will tell me. You really show this for the art it is.
I love the food, the idea of it being so different and better suited for the metabolism, and that you are able to express that by telling her experience of eating it. The line, which I know isn't hers, about following in his father's footsteps, damnn, so much tie in here you have a tapestry!!

I adore the realism you have put into the hollow earth, the idea of it being something that could really be there, and it is so beautifully told, and the ending. Oh my word, the ending. I have to know. Is she really safe? The dream, the fact that someone knew enough to accuse her of killing her father, did they know more? Is the dream warning her that if she stays, they will keep looking and find her, and like her father, if she wishes to protect the place she can't stay? Or is it just her guilt and the weight of what she had to do for him haunting her? It's a holy place so it could be a premonition, and she dreamt of it before she saw it, or did she, had her dad taken her there, could it all be explained…? Ahh I am fairly certain this is the mark of a very good story <3