The Year End of 2021 is such a milestone by Telos. It's something that we are being so happy about. Apologies I was not able to post my January 2022 performance because I was too busy with a LOT of things. such Keeping up with my APPICS Senior Ambassador duties (since this time we already started growing at an exponential level) and optimizing the current satisfactory performance of the Telos Eagles.
Though my immediate superior (The Director of Community Relations and Management) was ok with it because he truly knows I have done perfectly well. I then skipped this first month of 2022 in sharing my stats.
I have actually promoted GeeGee @huhugotsigee to be an admin and Neo @neopch as a moderator.
In terms of growth:
In terms of engagement:
From the 147 posts done by the admins and moderators for this month, there were 292 comments which is a whooping 1,450% from last month's numbers. Apparently, there are also a lot of reactions that the responsive community members that we have which is 2,600 reactions equivalent of 66% from last month's data.
Let's see GeeGee's @huhugotsigee performance as an admin of facebook this month of Feb and as a moderator as a whole in the past 90 days.
She was able to share:
95 posts
328 reactions
As for myself in the past 90 days
I was able to share
114 Posts
309 reactions
As for approving posts of community members, here are how the admins and moderators performed for the whole month:
Totally good in reviewing posts first before we approve.
As for the members:
Great to see that the top contributor is still a Telos Eagle.
Let's check my Twitter Analytics then:
For the last 24 days, I have generated a satisfactory numbers:
From last month's
Lunarcrush is actually not giving us the right numbers because it's not refreshing when we click the monthly stats. I have landed on top 46th Telos Influencer in their data which I BELIEVE a big fat lie. Though my boss truly knows I did a great job again this month I still need to back up my claims when the time arise.
So much for seeing Telos TLOS is coingecko's top trending coin over and over again this month. So happy about it too!
Good job Telos Eagles! You have done a good job, the rest of you. Decided to align the wage of @BeeCeeBee to TomTom and promote GeeGee to Senior and her salary effective immediately.
Career milestone:
I was already included in the Telos.Net Website. https://
and I now have my Telos Foundation email:
I have also noticed there the different job-title I am holding now from community relations manager to Telos Ambassadors Lead.
I am currently building another team which is the Telos Owls Team (Moderators).
I am also working on a project of enhancing the customer support so community member will have excellent user experience.
Thank you so much for checking this out.
ang busy mamsh.. congrats sa mga achievements !!
Yes super busy. I haven't included yet my reddit and telegram activities. this would already be boring. It's something that we can show what have been doing lately din kasi to the Telos community.
Hey my friend.. happy to see you here.. a great team you have. Love from sharminshajj
Congratulations sa ating lahat for doing the best that we can! 🥰
Super busy Maam @fycee but then you managed it all, congrats po sa mga achievements Maam fycee 🤗❤️
Great Job @fycee! You nailed it as always :) Congrats to @huhugotsigee & @beeceebee.
Congratulations to your achievements!
January 1 to February 1, 2022
