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RE: What Muslims Believe

in #terrorism8 years ago (edited)

Facile article. The "gotcha" only works on Christians. I oppose all Abrahamic religions, so none of that is a problem for me. Moreover, is there really no difference whatsoever between the social views of Muslims and western Christians?

(Right click and open in a new tab to expand)

Based on this data, it would seem to me that the average Muslim is not the equivalent of the western moderate Christian, but instead holds views that we would identify as extreme far-right if held by Christians. This represents a danger to the rights of gays, women and apostates in countries where Muslims become sufficiently numerous to gain political influence.

You claim no Christian or Muslim actually lives according to the dictates of their religions, but when it comes to homosexuality they certainly do. To come out as gay in a Muslim country is a death sentence. To come out as gay in Mormon controlled Utah is a death sentence, as evidenced by the teen suicide crisis happening there. There's still much of the US in which coming out as gay, even in predominantly mainline Christian communities, means being disowned and kicked onto the streets.

You came at this from the starting point of wanting to throw these verses in a Christian's face, and make Muslims out to be identical. You're not helping. There are gay youth dying in the Middle East and languishing in "reparative therapy" camps inside and outside the US because of you, and people like you.