
I think human nature is the real problem. We all have the capacity for great good but also unfortunately great evil too.

This I have to agree. More often, a sane person couln't even believe himself/herself of the wrong act just committed unthinkingly.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zadong, Pol Pott

Just saying.

So fascism and bolshevism are "godless religions"? What the hell does that even mean? And were does it put the balme? Doesn't it mean that religious extremesim is just like any extrismism? And if so then what's your point?

So back to my original reply indeed. Did I say that human nature is the problem?

When you say "A is the cause of B", that implies that if we want to stop B, we have to stop A.

I say, "C is a much more significant cause of B", to which you reply, "no, it's C+A that causes B".

I say, "C+A is a subset of C and all C causes B. Also, C+A is just a subset of A. Ergo we should eliminate all of C, not all A"

Is that clear?