
You mean other than the fact that I DIDN'T? What I described applies to people of all religions, including Judaism, which I specifically mentioned.

And "Let's be scared of all Jews!" isn't any less silly than "Let's be scared of all Muslims!"

It seems logical to me that anyone writing about a group of people that subscribe to the teachings of a said book would mention the author, and origins of the said book - you failed to do so.

Naturally, I must then ask myself why did you fail to mention the author and origins?

If you read some of my articles you will know that I don't fear any man, not one. It would be very silly to group any large group of people into one basket which is why I didn't.

That would have been an over-reaction and over-simplification - almost as silly as omitting the people that wrote the Book of Deuteronomy, the same people that control the global financial system, the same people that control the media and literally every Government in the world.

Surely I'm not the only person that can see the irony (and/or omissions) in your post?