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RE: What Muslims Believe

in #terrorism8 years ago

Great points. I suspect in Islamic countries you may see a mirror image of these things - the hilarious thing is how similar we all are even when it comes down to prejudice and stereotyping.

A lot of this is a function of our tribalistic nature.

We project our fears onto whatever seems alien to us.

Politicians and those in power take advantage of this, as do the media.

Good points about the state too.

I am not an anarchist - I believe the state is a necessary evil but we often lose sight of the great violence and warfare perpetrated in our names by these massive organisations.

Droning civilians and carrying out extra judicial killings does not benefit anyone except those who are in the arms trade.


You have hit on some very good points.

People are very much the same all over the world. I've travelled to approx 70 countries and I've spent 3 months+ in approx 25 of them and years in some of them. People are essentially good and they just want to be left alone and allowed to get on with living their lives, caring and building a better future for their families and enjoying life.

The globalists don't want that scenario so they use a divide and conquer strategy with the aim of keeping us distracted, deceived and in constant fear of each other (and many other things) while they move us towards a one-world government that they want to control.

I had a girlfriend from Kuwait - a Muslim, for three years and she substantiated your claim that people are very much the same all over the world. She was a phd candidate and like a lot of us, went to school to get educated and improve herself and the world. She also believed in treating people as you would want to be treated - the golden rule. I have been an atheist for many years and she did not talk much on religion except a few times like I should believe in some god. I had no fear all those times lying in bed with her as she used her cell phone sometimes to call her mom on the other side of the world and talk in her foreign language!

Thanks. I'm not sure if they need a one world government - there are a handful of corporations that control pretty much everything already.

I do agree on some of the points on the posts, however, the Bible verse taken out of text is disturbing.