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RE: "9/11 Papers" MegaLeak - Layer 1 + Checkpoint 03, 04, 05, 06, & 07: Cyber-Cash For Cyber-Cache

in #thedarkoverlord5 years ago

I'm not having any problem, use: uS\gY(oY@(5e=#(8e2nXOZ:9.DqK#abx>v4YUPqlb*~`d$76?VFZPN0Bh2\6vT=N
when it asks for the password in Veracrypt and it will make a mounted virtual drive with all the documents.


I got it now thanks

I've been trying to decrypt on Ubuntu using Veracrypt and not having any luck. I have verified the hash I have is correct.... I'm wondering if some how I'm not specifying Layer1? ... I mean I've already downloaded the decrypted payload but as a CS grad this is really bothering me lol

Screenshot from 2019-01-06 18-57-24.png

You're trying to mount the wrong file - unpack the zip file, load the Layer_1.container contained in the zip file into VeraCrypt, and it should work then ;)

layer_1.container in the zip file? I try to unzip the file and it shows as corrupt?

What command and what error