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RE: The Daily Meme #340!

in #thehive2 years ago

I don't think it's as hypocritical as you think. People are swept up by "the way things are" but because of the system, changes can only come from within and this is likely a nuanced appeal to the parties you find problematic as much as it is the obvious context.


"a nuanced appeal to the parties you find problematic as much as it is the obvious context"

Could you please translate that into English? Or logic? Or meaning?

In short, bloggers have had enough of this crap and left the platform. By the end of this year Hive will be as dead as Steemit. This is a clown show.

I don't disagree with you. I dislike the downvote abuse and I appreciate that people have other platforms like Blurt to go to. People are free to use, misuse or leave the platform as they see fit. Antisocialist is pointing out a logical fallacy and you are correctly attributing it to bad faith criticism and a potentially fraudulent intelligentsia on chain. However this is not hypocritical. Antisocialist is not in a decision making position on this and he could very easily be trying to represent this dynamic to those who have power. I also agree with you appealing to him about his downvoting trail but I don't think that means hypocrisy. You might have more allies than you think but if we constantly draw lines in the sand, all we are doing is creating more in group and out group cultures. I empathize with those being harmed by the tyranny and if there's more I can do to help facilitate effective action to make things better on chain or help with the transfer to a better platform, feel free to reach out or tag me.

We are not going to beg to some overlords for forgiveness - I've powered down 250k of HP and moved most of my attention elsewhere.

My own account is flagged to zero on all posts because my content is being censored.

I never said to beg. If you're going to falsely frame me like that, you're the one being a scummy hypocrite. You're acting like this is a binary and I'm telling you its more complicated and nuanced than that. You know this too, you're not an idiot. Go look at my comments if you think I'm some Hive shill.

Upvote vs downvote is binary

Beg, ask, negotiate - not going to happen - I was a potential investor, now I'm not!

You weren't just a potential investor, you were walking the walk and some people had the audacity to pressure you out. People here don't respect the churn rate and that isn't even the biggest problem here. Much respect for everything you've done and continue to do, Frot. Here or otherwise.

I'm convinced the Hive platform is a deep state social media experiment being used to test a range of things including content control - I've learned heaps, and made a lot of $ over the past five years, but at the end of the day I'll be using most of that knowledge elsewhere.

But I'm still involved with VYB because I'm really curious to see if it's possible for non approved bloggers to use this blockchain.