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RE: The Daily Meme #340!

in #thehive2 years ago

Hey sorry to hear you're getting targeted. This all can be very confusing and sometimes it seems like the whole process is made unwieldy on purpose to control the reward pool. I think "orginal" is a misleading term as there is an adage "If you wish to make apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe". I think this makes the standard for transforming and repurposing work nebulous and very inconsistent but I would advise you look into the framework of the idea "Fair use". Even if you get flagged, you can always appeal and I've seen many good cases for fair use overrule and revert flags. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. Thanks.


I'm just an unintelligent slob trying to have some fun in here as well as informing about the state of the world we find ourselves in. I have nothing to appeal. I broke the rules. From now on I Follow the rules the best I can. It would be nice to get a warning when I do something wrong before I am considered fish bait. Thanks for your concern..