The Pyramids at Giza Were Actually Power Plants!?

in #theory8 years ago

What if somebody told you that the pyramids weren't actually tombs, but instead they were three ancient power plants... Would you believe them?

This is an interesting theory, but I'd like to see what everyone else has to say about it.

The Pyramid Power Plant Theory

When taking a closer look at the rocks that were used to build the Pyramids, you can see that they used a combination of granite and limestone. This combination of rock can be used to generate and contain large amounts of energy when used correctly. 

The limestone acts as a coating which keeps the energy produced my the granite confined which causes a buildup of energy resulting in a very powerful charge. This with a system of channels, which were under the pyramids, should technically yield very large amounts of electricity. 

The channels started from underneath the Pyramids and ran all the way to the Nile. This wasn't much of a distance back then because over the past few centuries the Nile migrated over 8 miles away from the pyramids. Each channel had openings every few yards that allowed sunlight to touch the water under the surface. When the sun touches a body of moving water, it generates electricity. When that electrified water touches a conductor like granite and is coated with limestone at a large quantity, the electrical charge can be massive.

A quick story to support this:

In the late 1800's, a scientist interested in Tesla's "free energy" was doing some unrelated research of his own about the ancient Pyramids. He quickly picked up on the combination of rock and system on channels which gave him an idea. While at the top of the middle pyramid, he pulled out a whine bottle, covered it in wet newspaper, and lifted the device above his head. Then he did this, both him and his tour guide could hear static as  the bottle began to trap some of this free energy. His tour guide began to panic, accusing the scientist of witchcraft and sorcery. The tour guide attacked the man which caused him to accidentally touch the tour guide with the bottle shocking him to his knees and knocking him over. Luckily, he didn't fall off, but the whole experience proved the pyramids DO admit an electrical charge even without their full limestone coating.


What do you think?


I watched something about this a while ago interesting theory.

It's very interesting! If you haven't heard of what I think is called the Time Paradox of Progression (I may be wrong), you should definitely look it up, if this stuff interests you. It's about how past civilizations were sometimes much more advanced than we are but by using whole different techniques. Just because we're the most current civilization doesn't mean we're the most advanced ever to walk the Earth!

ill check it out thx

AGREE! there are still numerous mysteries!

this is very interesting! The pyramids is still a very mysterious architecture...

It really is interesting, isn't it? I'd always thought they were tombs, too, but to find out they might be power generators of some kind - pretty cool.