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RE: Faking It

in #therapylast month (edited)

I wonder if someday soon AI will be so good that there will be an assessment that that participant can't lie/fake their way through? That's a crazy thing to think about. It could spark a huge change for the better or could take a dystopian turn depending who's in control of it. You're right, currently those tests are only as effective (or not) as the honesty of the person taking it.

We've had a lot of contact with the US healthcare system these past six months and with each visit they ask you standardized questions -- Are you feeling depressed? Have you wanted to harm yourself in the last 30 days? along with a lot of questions about Covid and travel. I often wondered how honest people are in that case. So many people are concerned with the cost of healthcare in America a bet a lot of people don't answer honestly because they don't want additional financial pressure.


I wonder the same thing! There's a chance people considering that would tell the truth, presumably, as a cry for help. Good chance they wouldn't though, which makes one wonder what the point is. I hope you're all well <3