Many therapists, closing their offices, working virtually.. do you feel a sense of ambivalence, rejection, sadness, powerlessness? Maybe, something else?

in #therapylast month

My therapist is going in the opposite direction. It’s funny how when covid restrictions were winding down I was one of only two clients asking him when we’d get back to in person already, and now I think I’m just one of a handful of remote clients. I try to see him in person every few months or so but these days the vast majority of our sessions are remote. And that has worked out really well. I never thought I’d say this, but in a lot of ways I actually prefer remote sessions over in person sessions.

When M first began his own practice he worked two days remotely from home and the other three he subleased two different offices. He has since increased in person to four days a week with only one day working from home remotely. He does at times conduct remote sessions from his office locations but the point of having them is to meet with clients in person.

I guess because of how M’s approached the whole remote vs. in person thing, plus a few times loopholing me in for a much needed in person encounter when covid restrictions were ongoing, I haven’t felt those feelings regarding any practice decisions he’s made. When it comes to running his own practice, I don’t expect to have a huge say in anything he decides. I also know that I won’t sway him on any decisions he’s already made, but he’s always been kind and gracious about processing through with me anything that he’s done that has affected me in any challenging way.