Zeke Thoughts - Stories & Reminders


It has been a couple hot weeks of business and adventure but I am back after 14 days for another preachy musicy post. Positivity spreading is a fantastic function of the blockchain so let's get thoughtful. @Wesphilbin waves the #thoughtfuldailypost flag for us and has created @thoughtfulposts as the curation account you too can delegate to and boost its power to reward thoughtful posts.

I invite you to pen your post and share in my musings and the loosely-related music I would pair with each.




Not sure who is responsible for this one but I love the colourful sun flare, the organic script and the positivity of the sentiment.

Being a learned extrovert as well as a lazy person, if you can manage to get me up and social, I am going to try and do a good job. Being from a small town, I spent a little more time in each interaction with people ranging from acquaintances to strangers. I always figured that if you didn't spend the effort to make the interaction pleasant, meaningful and possibly even rewarding, it is pretty much a waste of time.

Looking at all these NPCs in the adventure game that is my life, it pays to remember that I am one of those in each of their stories. Everyone is fighting their own fights, blazing their own trail, and writing the chapters of their adventure. It is encouraging to think that efforts to improve the moment actually leads to the friendships we have and that we can decide what role to play in the stories of the people we spend time with.

Oh yah...be nice!

Don't worry. Be happy. I am constantly thinking about the hundreds of people reading this from across the globe of every age and region. Some of the songs I put up I have heard a thousand times and they are old news to me. This is one and it makes me happy to think someone will click play and hear that for the first time.




https://www.girlandhermagic.com/ might be responsible for this positive gem. As I was reading it, I was almost distracted by the emotion and empathy of each piece, thinking that it must have been written by a female. I shook my judgy head to dismiss the notion and was proven right when I got to the bottom.

Hearts are essential organs and blood can be messy. Growth is painful, healing is a journey, being human is all we have. Time DEFINITELY stops for no one. Seems like just a collection of random thoughts. Where is this going?

The last sentence is a positive meme on its own. When you take the setup notions and use them to steel yourself to be ready for the sunrise, that is how you attack the day. We really have a choice what we do each day and while some are made for taking it easy, others are made for growing, healing, and being human.

We will be victorious. This is an awesome karaoke song too!



This movement continues to gain momentum and is being curated by @thoughtfulposts to whom I have delegated some #hive https://hive.blog/introduceyourself/@thoughtfulposts/thoughtfulposts-introduction-or-a-thoughtfuldailypost is where you can get the details and please consider delegating to help make positivity extra rewarding.

I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and spill your wisdom on the world via the blockchain.



LL Mends banner.png


I am honoured to curate for:



Do you #thoughtfuldailypost bro?


70's mix!

Time stands still for no one and as you get older it seems to go by even quicker.
Each day becomes more important and spending that time wisely becomes the name of the game of living in the present. With years gone by, being a reminder of both good and bad times, future behaviors should be shaped.

Wise words old friend. I am appreciating how finite our days are lately. Living in the present makes me feel better about it by making the most of each day.


Welcome back brother Zeke. I've been on the offline mode this whole month. Lost a month almost actually. First my other half and I tested positive for what ever you'd like to label it as. Then the rest of our household too...

So we are all on quarantine and I have to say... this crap is terrible! But... I remain positive, as always. It's not something I was super public about, so I am sure people were wondering what happened to me (I hope anyway lol).

We are recovering slowly, and I am trying to get caught up on my Curation Account... never an easy thing. But I am grateful...

Here's a good old tune:

!LUV !WINE @tipu curate

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I hope you and the family are doing a little better every day!

I know all about little breaks but haven't been for that reason just yet. If it happens, I will most likely be able to post daily again! ;)

I hope you weather the storm and enjoy a little downtime as the worst symptom and are back among us ASAP!

Never heard that song before! I don't say that much either! Thanks old friend!

Cool thoughts on this post. I like the growth one and how time will not stop. I feel that - lot lately.


Yah that one is like 4 memes in 1 for the messages. Having been fed 1 day after another for longer than I have been paying attention, it takes some reflection to realize these days are finite and we should seize each one!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@dkid14(1/7) tipped @zekepickleman (x1)

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