
Interesting topic, because the persons have really to understand what free will means. For me this was a gift of love from God Luz, for the inhabitants of planet earth, this means something like, "choose the path you want, learn from your mistakes and in each learning you will advance one step towards me". only that many times we don't look at the learnings and we have to repeat the lessons, because we are so stubborn ...! because they even give us clues to guide us along the way and many times we do not want to see or hear then sometimes, if we are awake, we move forward, see, and listen. But sometimes we just don't move forward. And as you say, our decisions will always positively or negatively affect ourselves and others. It all depends on the choices we make. And that is what the Universal Law of "Cause and Effect" is about


It definitely seems wonderful, that you ask yourself or ask so many questions. Because it is the only sure way to get answers, I personally have always been that way. And although there are still answers that I don't have, I have found the answer of others. And I don't know if I laugh but those answers have led me to other questions and so on. But the first questions I asked myself was, who am I really? What do I do here? What is the real purpose of my existence? I have found that everything has a purpose, that everything has a reason for being. That nothing is a coincidence ... Well and I think we could be talking hours on the subject. I will follow you I would love to continue talking. But for now I will leave it here. I have translated your answer in my language into Spanish to deeply analyze what you say but it will be another time. I never say this to anyone, but if it is your pleasure to follow me to talk if you wish.
