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RE: Gently Steeming

in #thoughts6 years ago

I'm wondering now if my encounters with Galen have left any reflections on what I think you might be like. I know he's very fond of his little brother and niece!

You got me thinking on the comments thing. I try to reply to all genuine comments (ignore the spam ones though), but I know I've missed some and realised days later. I'll reply with an apology, but rarely hear back again. If I really can't think of a reply, but enjoyed the comment, I'll upvote and leave it at that. I hate just saying "Thank you" or "lol".

From the other side, if I comment and don't receive a reply, but usually do, I'll assume it was overlooked, they just didn't have a response that time or got sidetracked, because that's the reasons I'd miss replying. Nobody's perfect, so judge yourself before you judge other's (at least that's what I try to do). @nonameslefttouse has a good approach with the 3 strikes. There's no point wasting time and energy having one sided conversation, but giving them a chance first is a good idea.

I love a post where not everything is concluded, but thought seeds are planted and a great conversation ensues in the comments. After all, we don't all know everything and no one viewpoint is necessarily correct.

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