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RE: Spider Coccoon

in #threespeak5 years ago

I loved watching the video at 3Speak Spider. I loved how you draw so intuitively. The part of the drawing I particularly loved was the final detailing of the eyes. Just a tiny sprinkle of white magic made her eyes come so alive.

I have a Friday 13th synchronistic story. The night before Friday 13th a friend had a dream where he was standing looking out over a huge expanse of water. There was an incredible bright ~ Blindingly bright glow in the sky and the water divided.

As he was telling me about the dream, I remembered having heard on the radio, on the same night, about the significance of a comet appearing when Mosses was standing in front of the Red Sea and the waters divided so that he and all his people could walk through the channel created for them. My friend knew nothing of this and yet had that dream. And it was only that I'd heard the radio program that we knew what it meant. I love that sort of magic. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Thank you, Ally :)

And woah, that's pretty spoopy! I love such stories as they make me feel as if there are invisible connections throughout our universe :D Thanks for sharing ! <3