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RE: Connected by a Thread

Sometimes something, some tiny piece of a song will remind you of another song, and that song will, in turn, remind you of another song or another artist, who will remind you of a different group or musician all together, and before you know it, you’re following this tiny thread that belongs to you and only you, a thread that says so much about the life you’ve lived, where you’ve been, what you’ve seen and done and felt.

Yes, well said, I know what you mean. Woah that Tim Hill song is quality, I'll have to check out more from him, if this song is anything to go by, I really like it. I also really like the last song by bright eyes which seems to be cut out of the same cloth.


Apparently, this is his first solo album. He plays keys in the Allah-Las (who produced this album) and has played with Nick Waterhouse. I guess he had us start in punk music, though, which is kind of hard to believe listening to the music on this album.

This is a good sampling of his sound.

Nice one, I'll try to remember to check out that album 👌