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RE: #threetunetuesday - Mr. Bungle!

in #threetunetuesday8 months ago

The first one I can do very well without, thank you.

The second one is fabulous, though. Love that one. Trippy. I would have loved that one on acid.

The third is great too. More grounded, but still trippy. Love the instruments, the voices actually singing. Sweet charity! All the musicians are stellar, the drums! Very nice!

What a difference twenty years makes! It's still them, but very different.

What did they play at the concert?

This is a great post. I hope you make a million hive from it.


Oh the concert was what you would expect with Scott Ian from Anthrax on guitar and Dave Lombardo from Slayer on drums. Fast as hell manic thrash metal. I would have preferred the Self Titled craziness but still had a fantastic time hearing all the Easter Bunny songs live.

I might not have loved the music, but I sure would have appreciated their musical mastery. Really good stuff.

Oh yah a couple legends of speed metal added to the band and the energy of rereleasing songs from your youth made for a spectacle.