I bought all of my Christmas gifts at 50%-100+% off!

in #thrifty6 years ago

My mom taught me early in life to look for deals and ever since I have hated paying full price for anything. I have used a few coupon sites and usually will get stuff like vitamin c facial serum, clay and charcoal masks and matcha green tea for about $1 each. Those are all great gifts but I wanted to get more specific items and I found coupon code facebook groups run by Amazon affiliates. It was like I found my calling! I LOVE getting good deals, even if I don't need the stuff lol. There are also Amazon sellers who will reimburse you for writing a review with photos and some even offer a commission. So I got all of my brother's gifts that way initially spending about $60 and have gotten half back already with one review left to get the other $30. My family has not been in the best financial position so being able to give everyone an amazing Christmas with lots of gifts under the tree without breaking the bank was an amazing feeling. I was able to get everyone the things they really wanted and needed and watched their faces light up.
So today I decided that I would become an Amazon affiliate. I already have 1 customer for life and my husband happens to be a marketer so now I just have to put the work in.