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RE: My Five for #thriveonhive by @hope777

in #thriveonhive4 years ago

Appreciated your reblog and support @hope777 - and enjoyed to read a little about your journey too!! South Africa is doing t very hard - I connect regularly with a friend in Cape Town and hear it first hand from her. What strikes me about most Afrikaaners, is they're big on gratitude and low on complaining.

Do you know Klasie van Heerdan, who lived in Thailand here for some years?? He's very proactive with the church in South Africa.


Us South Africans are a resilient bunch I tell ya! :)

You are welcome. Nice compliment for our Afrikaners, thanks 🙂🌼
No, I don't know Klasie van Heerdan, wish I had, it sounds interesting.