Throwbackthursday: Service To Fatherland - Not Totally A Wasted Venture Against All Odds

in #throwbackthursday2 years ago

The best investment one can be certain to get positive ROI has to do with human development, from my little experience:)

The ROI may be satisfaction from contributing to making the world a better place and not totally money oriented. Funny enough, at the long run, the monetary aspect comes as a compensation too.


The picture above was taken exactly two years ago today. That was during my service year. It brings memories of serious sandflies bite as I was posted in an interior village.

It was during this period that I didn't have electricity and constant internet that I lost my Steemhunt tokens to the BURN. The amount is well over $5000 with today's price :(

The only good thing about the service year was the impart I left on the students I was teaching then, which gives me satisfaction everytime I reminisce on it.

Inside their library. Don't compare my hand complexion with my face:(



You are such a beautiful soul my friend and beautiful to 🥰
I am sorry that you lost that token to the burn, I remember that time when you had issues and you only could check in short times.

And about your students I have no doubt you made a Great impact on them and much they will carry with them forever 🥰
I mean... I am one you made an impact on and never stopped amaze me. You are such a wonderful friend and has a big ❤️

Stay Awsome and much love to You and your beautiful wife 🤗❤️🤗

I learn a whole lot from you.

Your awesomeness is Contagious.

I love you. Thanks for being an Angel in human form.

My beautiful wife sends her love too 😘.