
Topic: Allowing to post with steem keychain without giving posting autority to buildteam

At the moment it is not possible to post without giving posting authority to buildteam. With steem keychain it should also be possible to post without giving posting authority to an other account.

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Topic: Add a breadcrumb

A breadcrumb at the top and at the bottom of a topic would be useful too !

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Reply to Please Create a New Topic When You Find An Issue

A chance to add a "suggestion" category ? I used to be a huge forum consumer and I have tons of suggestions to do !

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Reply to Please Create a New Topic When You Find An Issue

Firstly I entered as guest account and after finishing adding my screen account now I can reply with my steem account. Looks good....

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Topic: You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

Currently known issues: • markdown rendering is not yet working • mobile views are kinda wonky • edits not yet supported

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

Yeah the "Testing testing 123" was me. So it seems like tokenbb works via setting up a forum in an individual main-comment, and all replies are sub-comments -- very neat. I'll keep my eye on this -- might be cool to implement a forum for my own project in the not too distant future.

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

It looks like after I logged in w/ SteemKeychain, I had to refresh the page before switching to my account worked. Previous post was w/ guest.tokenbb account. Looks cool so far!

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

Some edit buttons, and some 'reply to' buttons (so you can quote a previous reply) would be useful in this format as well.

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

Some issues with hover effect : image.png CSS will be editable when creating our own projects ?

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

We implemented it with comments to not spam peoples feeds too much. Creating a topic is also a comment so it will not conflict with feeds on other frontends

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

We would like to invite you to our Tokenbb-test-group channel in Discord - , looking forward to seeing you there.

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

I agree @mstafford Do you think that a reply button that automatically tag you would be good enough?

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

Congratulations for the work, @cryptoctopus! I really enjoyed the idea of using the comments to post on the forum and monetize it. Have you thought about adding topics for each language here?

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

@cryptoctopus, I think a tag, and maybe a link to the post that is being replied to would be ideal. Something like: """ MESSAGES GOES HERE *** Reply to @mstafford - [LINK TO ORIGINAL REPLY] """ So that way you'll receive a mention notification, and a link to the context?

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

It's also worth noting that the message above didn't maintain any of the formatting that I typed into it (a couple line breaks, mostly).

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

@guest.tokenbb language categories in this forum ;) I suggest a reply button for each comment too, what about? :)

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Reply to You can report feedback here so it is in a central place :)

First of all, this is amazing. =) If I replied here and deleted it on another site like steemit, it would be nice if it gets deleted here too. :3

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Topic: Testing out the Forum. Thoughts/Feedback

Lovely new addition by BT team. Actually heard recently a guy mention that he has a large group of people on facebook that would be interested in moving to Steem if Steem had an integrated Forum function.
So there you have it.

Ill send him the link.

From what im seeing here right now, As Cryptodrive said, its still looking bland a bit, like eating oatmeal. :D
(Oh look the smileys work already)

Didnt notice any bugs atm outside of the aesthetic and window positioning kind...

One thing i would recommend is that you try and avoid, at any cost, beneficiary fees.
That is the death of platforms here.
There are a number of ways you can monetize the forums...

An idea i had would be creating premium on-platform digital content similar to what Discord is doing... Even take a look at that sells digital stickers.. Try and incorporate another monetization method or i fear beneficiary fees will scare a lot of people off. Try being imaginative in that regard.

Thats about it for now.. See ya around.

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Reply to Testing out the Forum. Thoughts/Feedback

Thanks for the support and suggestion. We are working on the couple of models:

1- Split 50/50 of beneficiary rewards. So that it creates an incentives for forum owners to build their community and have instant monetization.
2- There is also the option that the owners pay us a monthly fee to have their forum and they get to keep the beneficiary rewards (set by them)

We are open to other suggestions. Ads could be part of the plan but it's definitely not a favorite of people in general. But the ad model could work.

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Reply to Testing out the Forum. Thoughts/Feedback

Ads could work, yes. I still think there is an opportunity here for more inovative solutions.
When you mention beneficiary fees, users tend to step back a bit. Especially now that a cut in author rewards is being talked about with the Blocktrades worker proposal system.

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Topic: Can't Edit our topics/ messages

Once posted, then we are not able to edit our topic/message on tokenbb.
You can edit it on Steemit.


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Reply to Can't our topics

That's another thing that I'm encountering too. I think it is important to be able to edit everything after it's already posted, and that includes being able to edit the post AND title at any time. But right now, Title's cannot be edited, and posts can only be edited on Steemit. My first preference would be to allow editing of the title and post on TokenBB, but if that's impossible due to blockchain constraints, being able to edit on Steemit would suffice. But if editing posts and titles must be done on, the link to Steemit should say "Edit on Steemit" instead of "View on Steemit" and should work seamlessly.

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Yeah it works on steemit. But not on tokenbb

Posted using Partiko Android

Reply to Can't our topics

yip we know, for now u can "View on" and edit therplease join us at, a

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Topic: Current Feedback

  • I had to login twice. (used steemconnect) Showed anon the first time.
  • Empty comments and empty topics can be made just by clicking on "create topic" or "reply"
  • Would love to see the activity of a user by clicking on their image/avatar. The topics they have created and the replies they have made.
    Would be even better if their would be an "view profile on steemit" (Personally, I would love that)
  • Would like to see Gina integration for notifications.
  • Add spellcheck please.
  • Hyperlinks show in different colors only in replies. Posts does not.
    Here is where I found that out. I am not sure if it is a 1 time thing. (click the "here" in case it isn't showing in a diff color, it is a hyperlink)
  • Markdown needs some improvement:
  1. Different color for hyperlinks

  2. An "add image" option in the editor woudld be nice for a dum dum like me. The option would make it user friendly.
    This image has been copied from discord. I do not know how to upload images from my pc, and I would wanted to.

  3. <div>exammple pull right</div> doesn't work.
    Click here to see the markdown test I did

  • Would love to see mroe emojis; it'd be nice to have a list of emjois on the editor along with "add image".
  • Choose to Sort topics by clicking on "Author, Category, Replies, Views, Last Activity, User, Votes"?
  • I want to have an edit and delete option.
  • Who has upvoted? If possible then would want to see the people who have upvoted a reply or topic. Just Number of votes is eehhhh.

This is it for today.

If I find anything to add, I will do it here on the replies or any other relevent thread I find.

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Reply to Current Feedback

yes they do render but you have to use markdown
![alt text]( "Logo Title Text 1")

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Reply to Current Feedback

Thanks for all of the suggestions. We are working on all of those as we speak.

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Reply to Current Feedback

@blind-spot can you explain or take screenshots about logging in twice?

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Reply to Current Feedback

those are all in our task manager already, @neander-squirrel is working on GINA links as we speak.

Sorting columns was my pet feature too.

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Reply to Current Feedback

unfortunately I did not take any screenshots at that moment.@thecryptodrive

I logged in with steemconnect and it showed "anon", I logged in again and it showed "blind-spot".

I logged off now and logged in, worked perfect this time around.
i also tried with 2 different browsers, worked perfectly

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Reply to Current Feedback

I will @thecryptodrive

Just noticed even if you dont mention me, your reply still pops up as a notification on GINA.

Great stuff ! (Y)

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Reply to Current Feedback

oh yeah if you created the thread I don't need to mention you.

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Topic: Ok, I have my new forum.

Now what do I do?

Also, is there a way to see a list of all the created forums?

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Reply to Ok, I have my new forum.

I think from memory chainbb just had a single forum per subject area. So I had a Basic Income forum, and it was just a single forum with no categories or sub forums. So I was able to set it so that any time someone wrote a post on steem with the tags basicincome, ubi etc it would show up in the forum. There was no "importing" of posts, chainBB was basically just another front end on the steem blockchain. It was just a different way of organising the blockchain data.

Do you guys have a discord channel?

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Reply to Ok, I have my new forum.

User @revo wrote at 27.03.2019 01:52:52 UTC:

Hi @thecryptodrive. Here's what I posted (via steempeak). I sorted the settings thing, just logged out and in again.

While I've got you here, another question...

Jesta's old chainBB forum allowed the admin of a forum to set tags that would pick up any steem posts matching those tags and include them in the forum. Is this an option on tokenBB?

The idea behind TokenBB is a little different than ChainBB. TokenBB aims to be a competitor in the billboard platform industry by adding voting functionalities to incentivize users. ChainBB on the other hand was an experiment in displaying the Steem blockchain in a new way.

So with TokenBB, we have to create features that allows:

  • Non-Steem users to post
  • Moderation tools
  • Reduce complexity and fit the billboard model people knows
  • Does not spam a user's feed on other steem platforms
  • Forces billboard users to visit the owner's website to interact

Because of that, a forum is all set under a single post, categories are top level comments and topics are replies to that top-level comment...which makes the feature that ChainBB impossible for us at this point.

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Reply to Ok, I have my new forum.

User @revo wrote at 26.03.2019 23:22:11 UTC:

Now what do I do?

Also, is there a way to see a list of all the created forums?

Do you have a list of categories/sub-categories for your forum?

Then, you have to get the word out! :-)

PS: No list just yet but soon™

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I don't see a settings link to create categories etc.

Reply to Ok, I have my new forum.

@revo, once logged in you should see a settings option in top left, there you can setup your categories, we can help you with categories and subcategories as the admin panel is not 100% finished, I think you can only set categories currently, but if you give us a site structure we can manually set it up for you. Have a look at for an example.

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There's no settings icon that I can see. In the top left is your tokenBB icon. Clicking it does nothing.

edit: logged out and in again, and it appeared. Cheers.

While I've got you here, another question...

Jesta's old chainBB forum allowed the admin of a forum to set tags that would pick up any steem posts matching those tags and include them in the forum. Is this an option on tokenBB?

Reply to Ok, I have my new forum.

@revo I saw your message come up but can't find it easily on chain as all messages go to one comments section. Ie the forum is a post, the topics and replies and the replies are nested comments. Also Tokenbb is one way, if you reply via Partiko or it won't show on the forum.

please can you paste everything you said over here on I did briefly see that you can't see the settings, I will get @reggaemuffin to look into it in about 8 hours.

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Reply to Ok, I have my new forum.

Hi @thecryptodrive. Here's what I posted (via steempeak). I sorted the settings thing, just logged out and in again.

While I've got you here, another question...

Jesta's old chainBB forum allowed the admin of a forum to set tags that would pick up any steem posts matching those tags and include them in the forum. Is this an option on tokenBB?

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Reply to Ok, I have my new forum.

@revo, can you expand on that a little? How were the posts imported, ie all the post data and images imported as a topic? or was just a post link imported as a reply in a specific topic?

What about comments on the post, were those imported too?

The idea is to be one-way otherwise people can write malicious code on the Steem side and gets imported to our blog, also having to poll the chain all the time for new updates makes it very resource intensive, but ur dev team can have better insights into whether this would be possible.

As you can see we need many urgent features like admin categories management first before we look at something like this.

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Topic: Board not updated if a comment is deleted

I posted an unuseful answer. There's no Delete button on the board yet, so I tried to delete the comment on Steemit, but the answer still shows on the board.

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Reply to Board not updated if a comment is deleted

We ignore chain events to filter out bot spam and unrelated content. We also add links to the threads on chain to ease people to view the discussion. And edits might break these

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Reply to Board not updated if a comment is deleted

We purposely ignore chain events. So we will soon add a delete button together with an edit button

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  • message box/title box is too small
  • post list needs an icon
  • monetary value on post list adds nothing
  • skinning (themes) should be possible for forum owners
  • there is absolutely no purpose to have what I assume is a voting slider on the post list, it's confusing if anything
  • "hot" posts
  • "locked" posts
  • "announcement" posts
  • it would be better to have view on steemd vs view on steemit
  • user stats under username where posting
  • signature option


Good job on making a new forum. The more of them the better in my opinion.

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Reply to

Great suggestions @guiltyparties!

We will note these down as tasks to implement, some are already on our high priority list :)

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Topic: Alright alright alright!!

This is super amazing!
Looks sleek, works smooth, very promising!

Thanks to the development team for all the hard work put in to this!

I went through a lot of the topics, and I have noticed almost everything and am so very excited to see this grow and become a go to.
I noticed I could upvote older posts, it counted but didn't add any value phew!

Awesome! I am blown away.
Thank you to every single contributor!

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Reply to Alright alright alright!!

User @blind-spot wrote at 20.03.2019 23:41:41 UTC:

This is super amazing!
Looks sleek, works smooth, very promising!

Thanks to the development team for all the hard work put in to this!

I went through a lot of the topics, and I have noticed almost everything and am so very excited to see this grow and become a go to.
I noticed I could upvote older posts, it counted but didn't add any value phew!

Awesome! I am blown away.
Thank you to every single contributor!

Thank you for stopping by and giving us some encouragements! We do our best every day to make it better and we have a whole lot more to do before it's "perfect" but until then, it's so nice to have a forum interface for the Steem blockchain!

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Topic: Login On Brave Works ATM if you disable the Shield

Login works, all you need to do so far is to disable the Shield, the orange lion icon next to the tab button on Android Mobile.

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Topic: Going through profiles

We can't go through a profile on tokenbb. It would be good to check the profile either on tokenbb or link it to :)

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Reply to Going through profiles

Ah do you mean view the user's blog profile on

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Either Steemit or on tokenbb.

Posted using Partiko Android

Topic: Markdown test

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6

Bold text
Italic text
++Underlined text++
++Bold, italic and underlined text++
Bold and italic text
++Bold and underlined text++
++Italic and underlined text++

An unordered list:

  • First
  • Second
  • Third

An ordered list:

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third

An image:

A link:
TokenBB test.

A quote:

This is a quote.

Inline code:

<a code>

Task lists:

  • [x] This is a complete item
  • [ ] This is an incomplete item

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Topic: Who is admin and who is moderator!!!

Who is admin and who is moderator must be shown with profile picture though we all know @cryptoctopus you are the admin of the site but regarding topics and categories different admins and moderators cN be selected.

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Topic: Easy logging in

  1. Directed to the page after clicking the link in steemconnect. 2. Clicked connect in site to get an email. 3. Received email less than one minute, although the mail was sent to spam. 4. Received magic link and walaaa, I am connected. Comments: 1. Easy to connect. 2. Very simple web layout, easy to navigate without instruction. 3. No need to make a password, just use magic link. 4. Easy to link with steem account as well. Overall, good apps.

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Reply to Easy logging in

We would like to invite you to our Tokenbb-test-group channel in Discord - , looking forward to seeing you there.

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Reply to Easy logging in

I like the Magic Link login feature, but like someone else said elsewhere, I think it would be good to allow users to choose between the Magic Link, SteemConnect, and Steem Keychain. If people can save their prefence of choice, even better!

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Topic: Profile box

Would be nice to also have a profile box under the user's avatar, showing registration date, number of messages etc. (if doable of course)

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Topic: I don't understand what is spam for

Who will himself post using spam category?

Or this is to report spam?

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Reply to I don't understand what is spam for

User @cryptoctopus wrote at 21.03.2019 17:31:49 UTC:

nah, just to post random stuff and trying to break the software :-)

In other words, stress test it to find bugs and other issues.

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Reply to I don't understand what is spam for

nah, just to post random stuff and trying to break the software :-)

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Topic: wondering how this works

hi we are a geoup of friends starting what we would like to be a DAO for a pilot community concept. At the moment we are working on a web based platform to develop the proof of concept online and try to apply it world wide. I assume this sort of forum-like web could really help our process, is there anything we should know on how to setup a forum like this one?

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Reply to wondering how this works

Feel free to join and ping @reggaemuffin and we can see about setting you up a forum :)

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Topic: TokenBB is Revolutionary!

This is a great opportunity to engage is meaningful conversation using the blockchain.

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Reply to TokenBB is Revolutionary!

True, and I think TokenBB and other self-hosted + Admin managed Dapps can break up the Monopolies held by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Reddit. It will allow regular people like me and you to build small niche communities online.

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Reply to TokenBB is Revolutionary! - going offline.Hello! This is my first comment on TokenBB. I would like to mention the fact that TokenBB is not the first forum on the Steem blockchain. ChainBB ( was also a forum on the Steem blockchain. The website of ChainBB is still working, but the forum is offline since 2018.03.29. The details about this can be found in the following blog post:

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Reply to TokenBB is Revolutionary!

@xplosive welcome to TokenBB, please note that we have not claimed to be the first forum on Steem, we are aware of the ChainBB project which once existed but is since shutdown.

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Topic: For minnow support. Help to gives a loan SP/STEEM

As steemian nothing imposible to going grow up from minnow to a big stuff.

to get to that all right now I need support from you;
is there a place for me to make a loan of steempower / steem ... to be able to increase my money, loan time for 1 month, with a reasonable offer. I tried to borrow around 100 Steem / SP.

If someone is kind enough to give a loan, I promise to give a better return.

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Reply to For minnow support. Help to gives a loan SP/STEEM

User @ranggayusuf wrote at 29.03.2019 00:42:56 UTC:

As steemian nothing imposible to going grow up from minnow to a big stuff.

to get to that all right now I need support from you;
is there a place for me to make a loan of steempower / steem ... to be able to increase my money, loan time for 1 month, with a reasonable offer. I tried to borrow around 100 Steem / SP.

If someone is kind enough to give a loan, I promise to give a better return.

Hi, please have a look at

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Topic: Testing to generate a new topic on

My feedback for It looks good and promising but as far as concerned to forum posting from the mobile much improvement needed and from pc it looks great and working nicely.

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Reply to Testing to generate a new topic on

We would like to invite you to our Tokenbb-test-group channel in Discord - , looking forward to seeing you there.

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Reply to Testing to generate a new topic on

We would like to invite you to our Tokenbb-test-group channel in Discord - , looking forward to seeing you there.

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Reply to Testing to generate a new topic on

Yes we are still going to optimise for mobile please join our discussion group on

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Topic: Asking for email on login

Well, to me this is kind of annoying every time we try to login and it asks for our email and then click the confirmation link to login. I didn't like this thing on Discord too.

Simple Steemconnect login is good.

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Reply to Asking for email on login

You can use email, keychain or steemconnect to login, but we will soon give a better flow with selecting which method you like best

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Reply to Asking for email on login

Entre temprano para probar tokenbb y pedía un email para ingresar, simplemente cerré la pestaña y me fui a completar mi quest diario de SM. Ahora volví, pero antes instale Steem Keychain (Si, hasta ahora no la había usado Steem Keychain) y pude ingresar fácilmente.

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Topic: Hello fellow testers! What have you found?

I wanted to create a thread too! How’s it all working for you so far? Logging in and connecting took quite a while for me because of some sort of slowdown. Other than that, seems to be working fine. Will update if I find anything else as I explore a bit more.

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Reply to Hello fellow testers! What have you found?

We would like to invite you to our Tokenbb-test-group channel in Discord - , looking forward to seeing you there.

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Reply to Hello fellow testers! What have you found?

Drop down menu for categories gets hidden underneath the account menu.

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Reply to Hello fellow testers! What have you found?

Keeping all the elements aligned would give it a more clean look. I’m on iOS and on portrait mode the background elements are lined up along the left with account section up top, but the typing section stretches far to the right, and the Steem value and upvote boxes leave the gray area of the screen. Maybe widening the background and account box to make it seem like everything is contained would help.

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Reply to Hello fellow testers! What have you found?

I already mentioned these two but you phrased the second one pretty well.

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Reply to Hello fellow testers! What have you found?

@dpa-punch @chrisrice, we are not optimised for mobile yet, the desktop version will roll out first. Please joing our Discord

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Topic: Your view on tokenbb

Hello everyone!!

This is my first time of creating a new topic on thread on the platform.

I will be glad to hear from you all on your view or perception about tokenbb which has to do with the below points;

1)Features you like about the platform

  1. Things You Don't like

3)Features required to be added

  1. Your Experience so far on the platform.

I will be hoping to read more posts or comments from you all.

Thanks for your time 😊 with love from @hardaeborla 💞

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Reply to Your view on tokenbb

Well, since TokenBB is my brainchild, I would like to be first to answer!

Features I like:

  • I like the ability to moderate
  • I like that you have to visit a post in order to upvote
  • I like the ability to quote someone to reply
  • I like Categories/Sub-Categories
  • I like the ability for communities to have their own domain/url

Features required to be added:

  • UI for Category settings
  • Profile Page
  • Custom Profile Badges for different communities
  • Messaging

Things I don't like:

  • The display bug because of caching
  • The requirement to click on a prompt in order to see the latest version of the software

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Topic: Feedback from testing my new forum

Great to get testing and awesome app guys, nice work.

the fields for Category Name and title don't allow enough characters. I wanted to have a category with the same name as each course
but it doesn't fit.

I'm looking forward to future features such as deleting and re-ordering categories

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Reply to Feedback from testing my new forum

I wrote this reply just to let you know that I have read this post. I am just a simple user, not a developer, and I currently don't know what is the point of view of any of the TokenBB developers on the future features either, so I can't add revelant information about future features at the moment.
Maybe they will reply to this post later.
You posted this 7 days ago, but no one replied to it so far.
Nowadays this is the biggest problem on the Steem blockchain.
The lack of real, human interaction.

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