in #tr7 years ago


In 1976 world’s first Ebola patient died in hospital near Nzara. Ebola was named after the river that first few cases found related, Ebola also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a viral hemorrhagic fever of humans and other primates caused by Ebola viruses. Ebola spreads through humans bodily fluids, however; one of the suspected mammalian that is vector for Ebola is fruitbats that transfers viruses to humans simply by meat or bite. There is no specific treatment or vaccine for the virus is available, although a number of potential treatments are being studied no one has come up with the solution other than supportive efforts. This includes oral rehydration therapy or giving intravenous fluids such as serums.

​The first known outbreak of Ebola Viral Disease was identified only after the incident happened between June and November 1976 in Nzara, South Sudan. The Sudan outbreak infected 284 people IMG_0437.JPGand killed 151. The first identifiable case in Sudan occurred on 27 June to a storekeeper in a cotton factory in Nzara, who was hospitalized on 30 June and died on 6 July. However, after the Sudan outbreak second outbreak began on 26 August 1976 in a small poor village in Mongala District in northern Zaire named Yambuku. The first victim of newly evolved Ebola Virus was village school headmaster Mabalo Lokela. Lokela had returned from 10-day trip to Zaire near the Ebola River, after symptoms started he thought to be Malaria and treated with the quinine drug. He died in the hospital 14 days after the symptoms started. Because of the ground zero point of this newly formed virus was Ebola River, the virus that we all know today named after this tragic incident.

​Usually dendritic cells will activate the army of anti-virus cells, support cells and anti-body factories that work together with the guard cells wipe out the infection in a matter of days. But when Ebola strikes, it directly attacks the immune system. Some of the first cells it takes over are the dendritic cells, the brains of the immune system. The Ebola virus enters dendritic cells by binding on to receptor for cell transport, once it is inside, it dissolves it’s outer hull and releases its genetic material, nucleoproteins and enzymes. In a nutshell it takes over the cell, disables the cells protective mechanism and reprograms it. The cell now becomes a virus production machine and uses its resources to build Ebola viruses. Once the cell is filled of newly formed Ebola viruses and saturated, it dissolves the cell membrane and millions of viruses are released into the tissue. The virus not only prevents dendritic cells from activating the specialized and anti-virus forces, it manipulates them into sending signal proteins that tricks specialized cells into ending their own life’s prematurely. So the immune system is seriously disrupted and unable to react, while the virus rapidly multiplies into billions of pieces. There are cells called natural killer cells that should deal with infected cells, but they also get infected and just die before they can prevent the disease from spreading. At the same time Ebola infects the guard cells of the body macrophages and monocytes, not only managing to circumvent their defenses, it also manipulates some to signal to the cells make up the blood vessels telling them to releases fluid into the body usually it makes sense, but in this case it just causes the mayhem. the body neutrophils are activators are woken by the virus and the macrophages signals they're not very effective against viruses and should not be involved in this fight and begin to do lots of stuff they shouldn't do the neutrophils signal the blood vessels release more fluid causing internal bleeding another area of the body a bowler attacks is the liver the virus finds it very easy to enter the liver and it quickly starts killing loads of liver cells and causing organ failure and more internal bleeding and all of those things are going on at the same time as the virus spreads it's like nukes exploding everywhere one incident of this in one region would be problem enough but now it's starting to happen everywhere at once all the mechanisms the immune system has evolved to handle infections work against you and the virus continues to spread and spread and finally begins to infect more and more body cells while the body desperately struggles to stay alive in a desperate last effort to turn the tide the immune system launches a cytokine storm. A cytokine storm is an SOS signal that causes the immune system to launch all of its weapons all at once in desperate kamikaze attack this hurts the virus that leaves behind tons of collateral damage especially in the blood vessels paradoxically the healthier the immune system the more damage it can do to itself more and more fluid leaves the bloodstream blood pours out of every opening of the body you become seriously dehydrated there's just not enough blood left to supply the organs with oxygen and cells begin to die.


reach this point the chance of you dying is very high currently six out of ten infected died from Ebola. Ebola is nasty so it's time to panic right no not even close the severity of a bullet gets papers sold and YouTube video shared everybody is talking about Ebola but currently the only way to get infected by Ebola is to come into contact with the bodily fluids of a person who show symptoms or from an infected bat so just don't do that Ebola has killed 5,000 people since June 2014 the common flu kills up to 500,000 people each year malaria kills up to 1million each year 3,000 people every single day 10 children since this video started so even if Ebola is terrible and scary don't let yourself be scared the most infectious thing about Ebola is the media hype around it you could learn a bit more about the immune system though.


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