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RE: Do you track your everyday habit? Here's why you may consider doing so.

in #tracking2 years ago

Habit tracking is a nice thing to do. As you've highlighted, it can help us see room for improvements. Additionally, it can serve as a motivation when one intends to form new habits as seeing how well or how bad you're doing can create a need within ones self.

It's however a tedious task I must say. If you can automate them, better. You can use Digital Wellbeing systems baked into your smartphone to help automate monitoring your crypto price check impulse, by just seeing how often you open the app.

With sufficient motivation and dedication, I think you'll be successful!


Automated tools are great, but needs to be combined with a productive mindset. Otherwise you risk checking them too often, and then return to what you were trying to avoid, while also judging yourself negatively for failing to live up to your expectations.

That's true! Couldn't agree any further!