"Raw Chat Session" (used in the making of "Unlocking Transformation: A Journey Through Self-Hypnosis and Healing [Edited by ChatGPT]") - PART ONE (the full content exceeds the post limit of 65,280 bytes) - Link to PART TWO Included

in #transparency3 months ago (edited)

Below is the full dialogue between ChatGPT and myself that aided in crafting and refining "Unlocking Transformation: A Journey Through Self-Hypnosis and Healing (Edited by ChatGPT)," available on my partner blog, @soulful-ease.


Hello, there. So, I would like for you to help me complete a detailed, informative, blog-post that describes my method of helping an individual to foster a profound change of self-beliefs, self-image, and general paradigm, in order to deeply heal and transform their lives into living in a way that aligns with their highest desire(s) - that fulfill them at every "level" of their being, to include their "soul."

This method is to:

1.) have them listen to a guided meditation that is aimed at helping them to shift their perspective on fundamental beliefs and perspectives that give them the sense that they're either incapable of, and/or don't deserve, achieving their highest goals.

2.) have them read aloud to themselves a "supplemental" text script that I refer to as a "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" guided meditation. This type of script uses first-person narration for self-guided hypnosis and is meant to supplement, not replace, the guided meditation. It is written in a way that aligns with the themes and metaphors of the guided meditation (#1), ensuring it serves as an effective supplemental tool that reinforces the affirmations, and general perspective/ paradigm that is being aimed at manifesting within that guided meditation.

3.) When reading the supplemental text described in #3, following a few important "rules" (I use this term loosely, here, as the individual is meant to adapt the approach to what suits them best, using their intuition to guide them):

a.) They read the words in a slow, calm, "nurturing" (loving, caring, sensitive) voice, as if they're reading a bed-time story to their own child, whom they love with all their heart and soul.

b.) They read "all caps" or "bold" text with more "emphasis" than any other text - as a means to drive those concepts/ points "deeper."

c.) They re-read (while reciting aloud to themselves in the manner described in "a") any sections that cover affirmations/ concepts that the individual strongly desires, or feel the need for, to integrate into their new self/ world view and/or manifest into their life. They may re-recite these sections as many times as they deem "right" (whatever feels right to them).

d.) They may use supplemental techniques while reciting the words within the text described in "a," such as:

I.) Holding their hand over their heart, and trying to feel a deep truth/ connection to what they're saying in that area of their body/ being, giving them the sense that they're words are resonating with truth.

II.) Holding their hands on their sides while exposing their palms (as seen from in front of them), symbolizing either "sending the energy" into the Universe, making it manifest, or leaning into the same kind of concept as detailed in "I." (above), using the body language/ gesture(s) of an individual stating something that is true (that they believe to be true).

III.) Using NLP techniques in conjunction with recitation of the script, such as:

  • Gently tapping the crown of one's head
  • Gently tapping the center of one's forehead (just above the center point between their eyebrows)
  • Gently tapping their cheek bones
  • Gently tapping the section of skin between their nose and mouth
  • Gently tapping the crease of skin between the bottom of their mouth and bottom of their chin
  • Gently tapping the center of their collar-bone
  • Gently tapping their the bottom sides of their left and right rib cages, near the top of where one's "love handles" would be

IV.) Listening to a supplemental "Script/ Affirmation Reinforcer" audio recording, while reciting the words within the text described in "a," that offers affirmations/ suggestions that align with and/or reinforce the affirmations/ suggestions/ concepts that are being covered within that text.

V.) Getting creative w/ other ideas/ techniques that may help them to better "absorb" and/or "integrate" the paradigm and self-view that the text (and the audio guided meditation that it's based off of) is trying to instill into the listener/ reader/ individual in question.

e.) A strong emphasis is placed on reinforcing the idea that repetition and experimentation with different ways of utilizing all of the above rules/ suggestions is key in receiving the profound type of transformation and benefits that are being aimed at with this approach.

I will now provide the specific "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" text that I would like you to reference as an example within this blog post, which aims at helping the reader to achieve "optimized" holistic health:

(To be read aloud to yourself, in the manner that's instructed within the text)

“As I begin this healing session, I find a comfortable setting where I can be peacefully undisturbed. As I read these words aloud, I let the sound of my own voice soothe and calm me. My voice is a powerful tool, guiding me into a deeper state of relaxation and receptiveness.

“With each word I read, I allow myself to RELAX MORE DEEPLY. I feel my muscles loosening, any TENSION SLOWLY MELTING AWAY. I imagine this relaxation as a wave of warmth that starts at the top of my head and gently flows down through my body. This warmth brings tranquility and peace as it moves slowly downward, relaxing my forehead, my eyes, my cheeks, my jaw, and on down, through the remainder of my body.

“As I continue to read, I take a deep breath in, feeling the air fill my lungs, bringing with it a SENSE OF CALM AND PEACE. I hold this breath for a moment, SAVORING THIS FEELING OF STILLNESS. As I exhale slowly, I release any remaining tension or stress. With each breath, I find myself DRIFTING DEEPER INTO RELAXATION.

“I now focus on the sound of my voice, allowing it to anchor me in this present moment. As I speak these words, I feel a CONNECTION TO A DEEP INNER-TRUTH. My voice resonates with confidence and clarity, IMPARTING WISDOM and insight.

“As I begin to RELAX DEEPER, I visualize myself in a lush, tranquil forest. This forest is a sanctuary of peace and contentment, a place where healing energies are palpable in the air. The towering old-growth trees form a protective canopy above, their leaves whispering the ancient secrets of health and well-being.

“I ENGAGE ALL OF MY SENSES, as I immerse myself in this forest. I hear the gentle rustling of leaves, a soothing symphony that CALMS MY MIND. The soft, earthy scent of the forest floor fills my nostrils, GROUNDING ME IN THIS MOMENT. I feel the cool, refreshing air on my skin, contrasting with the dappled warmth of sunlight filtering through the branches.

“In this tranquil forest, I find a comfortable spot to lie down and have myself a refreshing nap. The ground beneath me is soft, covered with a carpet of moss and fallen leaves. Here, in this peaceful haven, I allow myself to BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF MY OWN WORDS. As I read each suggestion, I ACCEPT IT AS MY TRUTH. My subconscious mind is OPEN AND RECEPTIVE, ready to embrace these positive affirmations and INTEGRATE THEM INTO MY BEING.

“Surrounded by the nurturing embrace of the forest, I FEEL A DEEP CONNECTION to nature and to the healing journey I am on. Each word I read and speak resonates with the energy of this place, REINFORCING MY PATH TOWARDS HOLISTIC HEALTH.

“As I continue through this session, I remain in a DEEPLY RELAXED STATE of consciousness that is WIDE OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS. This state will persist throughout the process of reading the following words, allowing me to FULLY ABSORB AND INTERNALIZE THE HEALING MESSAGES contained within them.

“I am assured that, at the conclusion of this session, upon reading the 'Wake Up' section, I will effortlessly return to a state of wakeful awareness. This 'Wake Up' process will gently guide me back, leaving me feeling refreshed, alert, and renewed. Until then, I am safe and comfortable in this DEEP STATE OF RELAXATION, FULLY OPEN TO THE POSITIVE CHANGES I am making.


“As I continue in this deeply relaxed state, I focus on the concept of holistic healing and rejuvenation. I visualize a sphere of healing light surrounding me. This light is not just a glow but a dynamic force, shimmering with the vibrancy of countless tiny stars. It's a celestial mist, swirling around me in a mesmerizing dance of light and energy. Each movement of this light FEELS LIKE A GENTLE CARESS, a thousand soft fingers massaging my being, INFUSING EVERY CELL WITH REVITALIZING POWER.

“This luminous essence envelops me, PENETRATING DEEP into the core of my cells. I imagine this light as a NURTURING FORCE, buffing and enhancing the 'stats' of my cells, much like upgrading attributes in a RPG game. Each cell is IMBUED WITH NEWFOUND HEALTH, STRENGTH, VITALITY, and RESILIENCE. I visualize this process as a BEAUTFUL ALIGNMENT of light and life within me, ENHANCING MY PHYSICAL, MENTAL, and EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING.

“As this healing energy works its magic, I turn my attention to my subconscious mind – my POWERFUL ALLY in this journey of self-improvement. I see my subconscious as an intricate network, akin to the hidden mechanics of a complex game, operating silently but effectively behind the scenes. It's like programming in a RPG, working tirelessly to OPTIMIZE MY HEALTH and HAPPINESS.

“I imagine PROGRAMMING MY SUBCONSCIOUS WITH POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS and goals. Each thought and word is a command, setting my subconscious on a path towards achieving my goal of FULLY OPTIMIZING MY HOLISTIC HEALTH. I see this as a 'cheat code,' a secret advantage that empowers me to OVERCOME OBSTACLES and POSITIVELY EVOLVE.

“With each breath, I draw in more of this healing energy, feeling it REJUVENATE AND REVITALIZE EVERY PART OF ME. It’s as if every aspect of my being is LEVELING UP, gaining new skills and abilities. I feel a PROFOUND SENSE OF HEALING, growth and transformation.

“I embrace this visualization, feeling a DEEP CONNECTION TO HEALING POWER within and around me. My body, mind, and spirit are IN PERFECT HARMONY, each aspect enhanced and ALIGNED TOWARDS MY HIGHEST GOOD.

“As I BASK IN THIS FEELING of rejuvenation and empowerment, I affirm to myself: "I am the architect of my health and happiness. My subconscious mind is my ally, my body is resilient, and my spirit is indomitable." Together, they work in perfect synergy, guiding me towards a state of COMPLETE WELL-BEING AND FULFILLMENT.

“Now, as I continue to bask in this rejuvenating energy, I turn my attention to the inner-flame that resides within me – a symbol of my inherent strength, courage, and resilience. This inner-flame represents my ability to confront and transform challenges, fears, and suffering into opportunities for growth and empowerment.

“I visualize this inner-flame as a radiant source of light and heat within my core, a beacon of UNYIELDING STRENGTH THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN A PART OF ME. I acknowledge that this flame can be intensified and harnessed to overcome any obstacle. Just as a mighty dragon breathes fire, transforming everything in its path, I too possess the power to breathe out flames of courage and resilience, TURNING ADVERSITY INTO TRIUMPH.

“With each breath, I FEEL THIS INNER-FLAME GROWING STRONGER, more vibrant. It empowers me, INSTILLING A SENSE OF UNSHAKEABLE CONFIDENCE AND RESOLVE. I realize that my fears and challenges are but stepping stones on my path, and I have the inner-strength to navigate them.

“This INNER-FLAME, NOW VIVIDLY ALIVE IN MY CONSCIOUSNESS, joins the symphony of healing and transformation I have been cultivating. My body, mind, and spirit are not only in harmony but also EMPOWERED TO FACE ANY CHALLENGE. My subconscious mind, attuned to this realization, works in unison with my conscious will, optimizing my holistic health and resilience.

“With this newfound understanding, I reaffirm to myself: 'I am the architect of my health and happiness. My subconscious mind is my ally, my body is resilient, and my spirit, fueled by an indomitable inner-flame, is FEARLESS AND STRONG.' Together, they form an unbreakable bond, propelling me towards a life of fulfillment, well-being, and courage.

“Now, I introduce a simple, yet powerful technique: an 'anchor.' This anchor is the action of touching my thumb to my index finger. This physical gesture becomes a potent symbol of all the healing energy, inner-strength, and positive affirmations I’ve embraced during this session. Whenever I touch my thumb to my index finger, it instantly brings back feelings of health, strength, and tranquility. It reactivates my inner state of healing, aligning me with my aspirations for holistic health, and reignites the surging inner-flame of courage and resilience. It’s a direct link to the sense of empowerment and rejuvenation I’ve experienced, a tool I can use anytime to renew my commitment to my health and happiness.

“With this anchor firmly established, I carry with me the vivid memories of this healing journey and a tangible way to reconnect with these transformative experiences and insights in my daily life. I am ready to face the world with a renewed sense of purpose and strength, knowing that I am equipped with all the tools I need for my journey towards complete well-being and fulfillment."

(The Wake-Up)

“As I prepare to conclude this healing session, I begin to bring my awareness back to the present moment. I will count from one to five, and with each number, I will become more alert and refreshed. One... beginning to awaken. Two... becoming aware of my surroundings. Three... feeling balanced and rejuvenated. Four... feeling positive and energized. Five... now fully awake, carrying with me a renewed sense of health and gratitude, ready to embrace my day with confidence and peace.”"

What I would like for you to now do is to now design a detailed "action plan" for how to create the blog post that I've instructed you to design for me - a blog post "outline" that covers all the details that I've just covered here - that lays it all out in a organized, logical manner, and gives you the freedom to then focus on completing this blogpost in more manageable "chunks" or sections (allowing you to focus on a comprehensive and informative blogpost, as opposed to trying to adapt it down to fitting within the amount of text that your "context window" will allow in any given output).

Hopefully my instructions are clear to you. I suppose that I will now find out, as I am about to now hit "ENTER," effectively making this an "input" w/ instructions to you....


To create an engaging and informative blog post based on your method for fostering profound personal transformation, we'll construct a detailed outline that systematically addresses each aspect of your method. This approach will help break down the content into manageable segments, ensuring thorough coverage of all key points while maintaining logical flow and readability. Here's how we can structure it:
Blog Post Outline: "Transforming Your Life: A Holistic Approach to Self-Healing and Empowerment"

Brief overview of the post’s purpose: Introduce the concept of self-transformation and holistic health.
Personal anecdote or a relatable scenario to engage readers.
Outline the steps of the method to be discussed.

Section 1: Understanding the Method

Overview of the three-step method.
Importance of changing self-beliefs and paradigms for holistic health.
How each step contributes to the overall goal.

Section 2: Step 1 - Guided Meditation

The purpose of guided meditation in self-transformation.
Techniques and tips for effective meditation.
How this step prepares the individual for the subsequent steps.

Section 3: Step 2 - Hypnotize Yourself As You Read

Explanation of the "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" method.
Walkthrough of the provided script, highlighting its key features.
Importance of voice tone and self-affirmation during the reading.

Section 4: Step 3 - Rules and Techniques for Reading the Supplemental Text

Detailed explanation of each rule and technique:
    a. Reading in a nurturing voice.
    b. Emphasizing certain texts.
    c. Repeating affirmations.
    d. Supplemental techniques (hand positions, NLP techniques, etc.).
The significance of each technique in reinforcing the transformative message.
Encouraging creativity and personalization in the approach.

Section 5: Deep Dive into the Supplemental Text

Detailed analysis of the provided text.
How the text aligns with and reinforces the guided meditation.
Specific examples from the text to illustrate key points.

Section 6: Practical Application and Tips

Guidelines on how to integrate these methods into daily life.
Tips for maintaining consistency and motivation.
Suggestions for personalizing the approach to fit individual needs.

Section 7: Conclusion

Recap of the key points discussed.
Encouragement for readers to embark on their transformation journey.
A call-to-action, inviting readers to try the method and share their experiences.

Additional Elements

Case Studies or Testimonials: Include real-life examples or hypothetical scenarios to illustrate the effectiveness of the method.
Visuals: Incorporate relevant images or diagrams to enhance reader engagement.
Resources Section: Provide links to guided meditation resources, further reading, or audio recordings.

This outline provides a comprehensive framework for your blog post, ensuring that each aspect of your transformative method is thoroughly explored and presented in an accessible format. Once the outline is set, you can begin fleshing out each section, focusing on one segment at a time to build a cohesive and compelling narrative.


One little detail that I left out, that I believe should also be incorporated within this blog-post where it makes the most sense to mention it, is that this "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" idea/ concept isn't my own "construction," but rather one that I discovered in a book titled "Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open," by Forbes Robbins Blair. Below is a snippet from the "Introduction" of that very book in which Dr. Blair, himself, describes a few details about how this concept came to be:

"This book is about a breakthrough discovery in hypnosis and self-improvement. In 1997 I discovered an unusual method for inducing hypnosis. As a professional hypnotherapist, I’ve been teaching, testing, and refining it ever since. I call the technique Instant Self-Hypnosis. It involves the reading and writing of hypnosis scripts as a means of entering a state of hypnosis. This method of hypnosis may be used for a wide range of therapeutic purposes: removing bad habits, confidence building, goal attainment, and so much more. This can’t-fail technique requires no experience or knowledge of hypnosis whatsoever. Plus, it’s so simple that you may marvel that no one previously thought of it…or if they did think of it, why they never published the discovery. Or if they did publish it, how come no one knows about it? "

I think it's important to point out where the method originated within the blog-post, and to also point out that it was designed, tested, and refined through the practice of a professional hypnotherapist, not just something that I'm claiming to be effective, without any kind of real-world results or scientific backing of any kind.

I would also like to include a suggestion to the reader of the blog-post that they pick up that book and read it, to get a better grasp of how the technique works and how they may adapt the approach to best fit their situation (both their unique goals and insight into what techniques that they may experiment with as "tools" to help them "absorb and integrate" the affirmation/ suggestions/ concepts that are covered within this type of script.

I would like you to stick to your original outline, while doing your best to inject this new information into the section(s) wherein it fits best (makes the most sense).


Incorporating the background of the "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" concept into the blog post adds credibility and depth, enhancing the reader's understanding and appreciation of the method. Here's how we can modify the original outline to include this new information seamlessly:
Modified Blog Post Outline: "Transforming Your Life: A Holistic Approach to Self-Healing and Empowerment"

Brief overview of the post’s purpose and its focus on profound personal transformation.
Introduction to the three-step method, including its origins in Forbes Robbins Blair's work.
A brief mention of the book "Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open" to set the context.

Section 1: Understanding the Method

Overview of the three-step method.
Discuss the importance of changing self-beliefs and paradigms for holistic health.
Highlight how each step contributes to the overall goal, with a nod to the method's roots in established hypnotherapy practices.

Section 2: Step 1 - Guided Meditation

Explain the purpose of guided meditation in self-transformation.
Techniques and tips for effective meditation.
The role of this step in preparing the individual for the "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" technique.

Section 3: Step 2 - Hypnotize Yourself As You Read

Introduction to "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" with a reference to Forbes Robbins Blair’s book and method.
Detailed walkthrough of the provided script, emphasizing its alignment with Blair's principles.
Discuss the importance of voice tone and self-affirmation during reading, based on Blair's insights.

Section 4: Step 3 - Rules and Techniques for Reading the Supplemental Text

Explain each rule and technique in detail:
    a. Reading in a nurturing voice.
    b. Emphasizing specific texts.
    c. Repeating affirmations.
    d. Supplemental techniques (hand positions, NLP techniques, etc.).
The role of each technique in reinforcing the transformative message.
Encourage creativity and personalization, inspired by Blair's emphasis on adaptability.

Section 5: Deep Dive into the Supplemental Text

Analysis of the provided text with references to Blair's concepts.
Discuss how the text aligns with and reinforces guided meditation.
Use examples from the text to illustrate key points and tie them back to Blair's teachings.

Section 6: Practical Application and Tips

Offer guidelines on integrating these methods into daily life.
Provide tips for maintaining consistency and motivation.
Suggest personalization strategies, encouraging readers to draw inspiration from Blair's work.

Section 7: Conclusion

Recap of key points with a focus on the method's provenance and effectiveness.
Encourage readers to try the method and explore Blair's book for deeper understanding.
A call-to-action, inviting readers to share their experiences and continue their journey of self-improvement.

Additional Elements

Case Studies/Testimonials: Incorporate examples to illustrate the method's effectiveness, possibly including anecdotes from Blair's book.
Visuals: Use relevant images or diagrams, potentially including visuals related to Blair's book.
Resources Section: Provide a link to Blair's book, along with other helpful resources.

By weaving in the origins of the "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" method and frequently referencing Forbes Robbins Blair's work, the blog post not only gains authority but also provides readers with a deeper understanding of the method's foundations and potential applications. This approach enriches the content and encourages readers to explore the technique further through Blair's book, enhancing their journey towards personal transformation.


As far as the case studies/ testimonials go, I would also like you to mention that I've tested the "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" technique on myself by designing my own scripts, based of of Dr. Blair's description of how to design these scripts (covered in the book that I already referenced, that he authored on this topic), experiencing great success at helping me to overcome a, to that point of my life (in my mid-twenties) "lifelong bout" of crippling anxiety and social anxiety, going from being too fearful to leave my house to even be out with lifelong friends to finding enough self-confidence and courage to go out and meet woman that were complete strangers to me (entering the "dating scene" for the first time in my life, at that point).

This is another key element that I'd like you to incorporate into this blog-post, where it makes the most logical sense to mention it.

Also, I'd like for you to include a reference to my blog-post that first introduced my blog's readers to the specific "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" script that you're covering within this blog-post, as they're already aware of this script, assuming that they clicked on and read that blog-post, when I made it about a month ago. I'd like for you to include a sentence or two that allows them to click on a link that sends them back to that reference text (blog-post), so that they can see exactly what text that you're referencing.

I think it would also be wise to suggest to the reader that they keep the reference "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" blog-post open in a separate "browser window" or "tab," so that they can follow along with any of the references made within this blog-post.


Incorporating your personal experience and referencing a previous blog post adds a powerful personal touch and continuity to the new blog post. Here's how we can integrate these elements into the existing outline:
Revised Blog Post Outline: "Transforming Your Life: A Holistic Approach to Self-Healing and Empowerment"

Overview of the post’s purpose: Introduce self-transformation and holistic health.
Mention the three-step method, highlighting its origins in Forbes Robbins Blair's work.
Reference your previous blog post on the "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" script with a link for continuity.

Section 1: Understanding the Method

Detailed overview of the three-step method.
Discuss the importance of changing self-beliefs for holistic health.
Introduction of your personal success story using this method to overcome anxiety.

Section 2: Step 1 - Guided Meditation

Explanation of the role of guided meditation in self-transformation.
Techniques and tips for effective meditation.
How this step sets the stage for the "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" technique.

Section 3: Step 2 - Hypnotize Yourself As You Read

Introduction to the method with a reference to Forbes Robbins Blair’s book.
Walkthrough of your script, aligning with Blair's principles.
Emphasize the importance of voice tone and self-affirmation during reading.

Section 4: Step 3 - Rules and Techniques for Reading the Supplemental Text

Detail each rule and technique:
    a. Reading in a nurturing voice.
    b. Emphasizing specific texts.
    c. Repeating affirmations.
    d. Supplemental techniques.
Significance of each technique in reinforcing the transformative message.
Encouragement for personalization, inspired by Blair's adaptability focus.

Section 5: Deep Dive into the Supplemental Text

Analysis of your script with references to Blair's concepts.
Discuss how the script aligns with and reinforces guided meditation.
Use examples from the script to illustrate key points.

Section 6: Personal Success Story

Share your journey of using the method to overcome lifelong anxiety.
Detail how creating and using your scripts led to significant personal growth.
Encourage readers with similar challenges to try this method.

Section 7: Practical Application and Tips

Offer guidelines on integrating these methods into daily life.
Tips for maintaining consistency and motivation.
Suggestions for personalizing the approach, with a nod to your journey.

Section 8: Conclusion

Recap of the method's origins, effectiveness, and your personal testament.
Encourage readers to explore Blair's book and revisit your previous blog post.
A call-to-action, inviting readers to share their experiences.

Additional Elements

Case Studies/Testimonials: Incorporate your personal experience and other examples.
Visuals: Use relevant images or diagrams, including references to Blair's book.
Resources Section: Provide links to Blair's book, your previous blog post, and other helpful resources.

By including your personal success story, references to your previous blog post, and encouraging readers to keep both posts open for cross-reference, the new blog post will provide a comprehensive, relatable, and engaging guide to self-transformation. This approach not only adds a personal touch but also leverages your blog's existing content to reinforce and expand upon the transformative method you're sharing.


I think you've got a good outline for the blog-post that I have in mind, so I'd now like for you to start crafting this post, by focusing on small enough sections that allow you to create an end product that is as comprehensive and informative as the reader would best benefit from (prioritizing a high quality blog-post that arms the reader with all the details that I've instructed you to cover, over aiming at brevity and/or fitting text within context window limitations).

I do hope that my instructions are clear to you. I suppose that I shall now find out...


Understood. Let's begin crafting the blog post in sections. We'll start with the Introduction and the first section, "Understanding the Method." These initial segments will set the tone for the blog post, introduce the topic, and lay the foundation for the detailed exploration of the method.
Blog Post Draft

Welcome to a journey of profound self-transformation and holistic healing. In this blog post, we're diving deep into a transformative method that blends the power of guided meditation, self-hypnosis, and personalized affirmations to unlock your potential and align your life with your highest desires. This method isn't just theory; it's a practice that has roots in professional hypnotherapy and has been tested in real-life scenarios, including my own. Based on the groundbreaking work in Forbes Robbins Blair's book "Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open," this approach is designed to revolutionize how you view and interact with your inner self.

For those who have been following my journey, you might recall a script I shared about a month ago in my previous blog post (link here). This post builds on that foundation, offering a deeper understanding and practical application of the transformative "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" technique.
Section 1: Understanding the Method

The method we're exploring involves three synergistic steps, each playing a crucial role in fostering a paradigm shift towards your holistic health and personal empowerment. Here's a brief overview:

Guided Meditation: This initial step uses the power of guided imagery and relaxation to prepare your mind and body for receptive and transformative work.

Hypnotize Yourself As You Read: Stemming from the innovative work of Forbes Robbins Blair, this technique involves reading and reciting self-crafted hypnosis scripts. These scripts are designed to lead you into a state of self-hypnosis, paving the way for profound internal changes.

Personalized Affirmations and Techniques: The final step is about reinforcing the transformative messages from the previous steps. This involves reading aloud in a nurturing tone, emphasizing specific phrases, and repeating affirmations that resonate deeply with your goals. Supplemental techniques, such as body gestures and NLP tapping, are also incorporated to deepen the impact.

My personal encounter with this method was nothing short of life-changing. Struggling with severe anxiety and social phobia for most of my life, I turned to this technique as a last resort. Through self-crafted scripts and relentless practice, I experienced a drastic shift — from being shackled by fear to stepping into a world of confidence and possibilities. This method didn't just help me manage my anxiety; it transformed my self-perception and unlocked a new realm of opportunities, including venturing into the dating scene, which was once an unimaginable feat for me.

In the following sections, we'll break down each step of this method, providing insights, practical tips, and a deeper understanding of how you can tailor this transformative journey to your unique path.

This draft covers the introduction and the first section, setting the stage for the detailed exploration of each step of the method in subsequent sections. The next sections will delve into each step, starting with Guided Meditation, followed by the "Hypnotize Yourself As You Read" technique, and concluding with the Personalized Affirmations and Techniques. Let me know if this aligns with your vision or if there are any specific aspects you would like to focus on or adjust in the upcoming sections.


I like what you've crafted so far. Please continue from where you left off, and stick to the the outline that you designed for yourself, earlier.


Great to hear that the initial part aligns with your vision. Let's continue with the next sections, focusing on the detailed exploration of each step in the transformative method.
Blog Post Draft Continued
Section 2: Step 1 - Guided Meditation

The Gateway to Inner Transformation: The first step in our transformative journey is guided meditation. This is more than just relaxation; it's a deliberate process of calming the mind and body to reach a receptive state of consciousness. In this state, your mind is like fertile soil, ready to receive and nurture the seeds of change.

Techniques and Tips: To make the most of guided meditation, find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Use soothing background music if it helps. Focus on deep, rhythmic breathing to help ease into a relaxed state. Visualize a place that embodies peace and tranquility for you - it could be a serene beach, a quiet forest, or any setting that resonates with calmness. Let this imagery guide you deeper into relaxation.

Preparing for Self-Hypnosis: This relaxed state sets the perfect stage for the next step - self-hypnosis. It's crucial because it makes your mind more malleable and open to transformative thoughts and suggestions.
Section 3: Step 2 - Hypnotize Yourself As You Read

Embracing Self-Hypnosis: Forbes Robbins Blair's technique, 'Hypnotize Yourself As You Read,' is a groundbreaking approach to self-hypnosis. It involves reading hypnosis scripts with the intent to enter a hypnotic state. These scripts are more than words; they're pathways to the subconscious mind.

The Power of Your Script: When crafting your script, focus on positive, affirming language that aligns with your goals. For example, if your aim is to overcome anxiety, your script might include lines like 'With each breath, I feel more relaxed and confident.' The script provided in this blog post, based on my personal journey, is a template you can adapt to fit your needs.

Reading Aloud, Embracing Change: As you read your script aloud, do so with the belief that these words are reshaping your inner narrative. The sound of your voice is not just auditory; it's a vibration that resonates within, reinforcing the power of the words.
Section 4: Step 3 - Rules and Techniques for Reading the Supplemental Text

Creating a Nurturing Environment: The tone in which you read the script is crucial. Imagine speaking to a loved one, with warmth and care. This nurturing tone helps embed the affirmations more deeply.

Emphasis on Key Phrases: Use emphasis on words or phrases in bold or all caps. This helps anchor these concepts more firmly in your subconscious.

Repetition for Reinforcement: Don't hesitate to reread sections that particularly resonate with you. Repetition is a powerful tool in embedding these new beliefs into your psyche.

Supplemental Techniques:

Hand over heart: Feel a connection to the words, as if they're truths emanating from your heart.
Body gestures: Use open palm gestures to symbolize sending your intentions out into the universe or embracing truths.
NLP tapping: Gentle tapping on key body points can reinforce the script's messages.
Experimentation: Feel free to innovate with other techniques that resonate with you. The more personalized your approach, the more impactful it will be.

Section 5: Deep Dive into the Supplemental Text

Analyzing the Script: Let's delve into the script I shared. Notice how each line is designed to progressively lead you into a deeper state of relaxation and receptivity. The journey through a tranquil forest is a metaphorical representation of delving into the subconscious mind.

Alignment with Guided Meditation: This script is a continuation of the guided meditation, taking the calm and receptive state you've achieved and directing it towards specific affirmations and visualizations aimed at holistic health and well-being.

Script Examples: [Here, insert specific lines from the script you've provided earlier, breaking down their significance and how they contribute to the overall goal of transformation.]

In the next sections, we'll explore how to apply these techniques in real life, share more about my personal success with this method, and provide practical tips for your own journey.

This portion covers the core elements of your transformative method, providing a detailed explanation of each step and its significance in the process. The next sections will focus on practical application, your personal success story, and conclude with actionable tips for readers. Let me know if there are specific details or adjustments you'd like for these upcoming sections.

CLICK ON THIS to be directed to the last half of this exchange (in "Part Two").