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RE: Transparency

in #transparency7 months ago

I actually enjoy assuming the role of a healer in my gaming. I find satisfaction in engaging in protracted battles where my strategy involves enduring the onslaught of opponents until I emerge victorious! 😅

With a well-structured setup and dependable support from fellow healers, the skirmish can prove to be immensely frustrating for the opponents/enemies. Then again, the allure of high DPS characters/monsters in games often comes with a hefty price tag that exceeds my budget, hence I am left stuck with the less popular support tactics to irk and ultimately defeat my opponents ✌️

Something many giants today have managed to do and done well but this time that value goes out to everyone and the players rather than the whole pie going to shareholders, ceo's/founders, and employees. All while the games are unstoppable using decentralization and can't just go down or get banned.

This is definitely an exciting prospect of the future of gaming! 🤗