Greeting from Fiji

in #travel6 years ago

Today we went to Natadola Bay, the waves there were beautiful so it's not very great for swimming..First impression, the water here isn't as amazing as in the maldives, over there once you arrived at the airport, you can already see the very amazing blue water.


But the island is very green and lush.






At this time, your post is not contain contents about the place where you travel but now just photo.

I have realized that myself, I want to give my life update on my whereabout while I still have limited time and limited wifi on the go. I hope you check baack when I write more in my future post if you want to read on a long post!

Very beautiful views.It is very difficult to go there from myanmar.I want to go there.I like travelling but I don't have money.Thank for sharing;sis.

How is the weather over there...? what a lovely beach..

bad weather.. I wanna cry..

WOW, ေရက ျကည္ျပာေရာင္သန္းျပီျကည္ေနေရာ ေရလႊားေလ်ွာမစီးခဲ့ဘူးလား သူမ်ားေတြစီးေနတာေတြ႔လို့ ေနရာေလး မိုက္တယ္

it's not easy to do surfing.. since I can't swim well , it's actually quite scary to play with water unless there is someone who can look out for you..

Have a great trip !

Not bad dear, that is good enough. Though it is really more nice in maldives!! Enjoy!! :)

yes. it isn't bad at all.. thank you!

No worries! You really enjoy travelling around the globe! Try to visit Phils soon. :)

beautiful scenery, but less perfect if you can not swim, I always miss your post. but I want to always follow your post

thank you for ur support.

you look relaxed and enjoy the beauty of the sea.
I really like this, and with a view of the waterfront full of greenery makes the photo more beautiful.

thank you.. it's nice to be near to the sound of waves..


Bula! Have u been ? We found here to be so expensive ..

I have been. It is pricey, I know. I mainly stayed on the big island to keep costs down.

This is my best color green,and This island is very green and also thats is very beautiful water I loves your photography Thanks for share with us

thank you.

welcome and please visit my blog @molikhatun

wow it looks very beautiful & fantastic picyures with caption. and the island is very green look like a green spot.

Wow @aburmeseabroad in Fiji! Wish you a lot of fun, looking forward to reading more about your trip!:-)

thanks a lot.. I didn't get many photos though I am glad you are looking forward to them.

Awesome photographey I like your all post. Your post very interested and deferent.i like it thanks for sharing your excellent island beach photographe
Fill your swelling with swelling, your life in the color of the rainbow, and the color of your color. Let the misery be lost in the country of unknown unknown. Your life floats in the sea of ​​happiness. I wish I was close to the widower.

Wow.. This is a great post...and nice photography thank you my friend

Dont be worry about swimming .
Very beautiful place it is . important is the place .
Nature beauty is the only way to make you happy and active
I wish to visit .

Looks great, wish I was there! :D should go to the maldives first..

Very nice beach 🏖 , I think It’s difficult to go this country. Thank for sharing, friend.

yes u are right.. not so long ago.. from singapore , there is directly flight and it took us 10 hours..

Long flight, have a nice trip.😊💕


It's a beautiful beach. I think almost the same as Lampuuk Banda Aceh beach

Indonesia has a lot of stunning beaches

I am very interesting with your post
maybe your dissatisfaction today is in the sea where the waves are still small so you are not satisfied to play

I can't swim well so the big waves make me scared to swim in the open ocean.

Oh, Natadola, would love to get back to that place! Enjoy your stay and hopefully you'll go for a trip to Yasawa Islands, it's even better.

it's lovely..we had a boat day sailing trip tomorrow.. but weather is rainly and hopefully we can go.

You may need to watch the islands from the boat cabin, not as much fun, but still a good trip. Will wait for more pics!

woow.. thats great.. lovely pictures & lovely caption. i want to go that place😍

its beautiful. thank you

Very nice!

The scenery was very nice

the sights are so luxurious

what a lovely shot. hope i would like to go there.