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RE: Holiday Travel.. or not.

in #travel5 years ago

I work in IT and honestly, usually end up working because someone needs to look after the systems, it's super quiet and usually might team mates are flush with little ones.

I honestly don't mind working, I've never been a fan of crowds so I'd rather take holidays during off seasons...

The problem is, I usually get so caught up with projects that I forget to take holidays. 2019 will be different though, I want to go to a couple of Ninja events and Steem events so that'll help get me away.

My wife is in Australia for 3 weeks visiting the fam, so that's been super good for her, she's been pretty homesick these past few months.

Hope you get away tomorrow! Good luck!


Thanks for the kind thoughts! We did make it out today, and are currently enjoying some good family time.

I always worked the holidays in hospitality and travel, so now that I have the opportunity to be off, I do it!

But I also worked in positions where I was dealing with a lot of people. I can understand the mentality of enjoying having the office to oneself.