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RE: Montreal, Magnifique!

in #travel9 months ago

Wow! I definitely need to try and get myself here one day now. It looks absolutely stunning. You seem to be heading there a lot lately. Scoping out locations for when you expatriate? I honestly can't say I blame you. I bet winters aren't much better than Minnesota though, especially with the fronts coming off the great lakes.


You must visit Montreal, Bozz. You and your wife would love it. Unless my wife and I decide to visit this will probably be my last time here for a while. I'd love to expatriate but I don't think that will happen now, that ship has sailed. The exit tax would be counter productive. Some years the winters are actually worse here in Montreal from what I hear! If I lived here full time I would have to plan on being away from Jan-March.

Oh wow, I didn't realize that. On all counts for your reply!