Welcome to Arizona!

in #travel6 years ago

My wife and I travel as much as we can, and whenever possible sleep in our renovated minivan. Well, "renovated" may be a bit of an exaggeration. I took out all but the front seats, put down a sheet of thick plywood, and we have a bedroll in the back now.

Anyhow, this trip we decided to visit the Southwest. It's winter, so what better time to go to the desert, right?


We stopped overnight at a rest area just inside the Arizona border. It was dark and windy and a little chilly but nothing bad. We got arranged and climbed under the blankets, only to wake up to this:


Snow and -2°. In Arizona. Now, I understand it's not unheard of. It was just a bit of a shock considering we had come out here to get away from all the snowy weather at home. We had a good laugh, cleaned off the van, and hit the road. It was quite a welcome to Arizona for us!