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RE: brazil 20 [eng]

in #travel5 years ago

man ! huge respect for your lifestyle and places you travel ;) beautiful landscapes, crazy local markets, amazing animals. cool photos ;) but story was a bit too long, you could easily spread it into two separated articles.
BTW. I think I didn't see anything about the money. Could you say something about living costs in Brazil ? How expensive is to eat basic food and basic street food. Also some other basic services, night life, gasoline, etc.


hey hey :)
thanks for reading my stories! i know it’s sometimes very long, but i try to do this posts to take you out of your everyday life for 20min/ half an hour and show another side of this world we are all living in :) i think splitting would help but they are always one week long, since i started, i would like to keep the schedule haha

about the money, i plan to post something after i finished my trip, at the moment i’m in serbia, but by mid june all the southamerica post should be out...

please stay tuned :P

love pauli