Travel Nepal

in #travel5 years ago

Hello everyone,

Nepal is celebrating 2020 as a tourism year. "Visit Nepal 2020: Lifetime Experiences" is the motto of the year and the government looks forward to accommodate 2 million tourists.

In this regard, here are some interesting facts I would like to share with the world. 

1. Nepal's northern border is the Himalaya, that consists of the greatest mountains in the world. Every one knows Mount Everest and the Everest Base Camp Trek, but you'd be surprised to see mountains all over the northern horizon.

2. Trekking in Nepal is one of the most sought after activity in the Everest, Annapurna, Langtang and other mountainous regions. There are 4 trekking seasons in Nepal. To make it easy for you, here are top 10 most popular trekking zones in the country.

3. Nepal is rich is culture and tradition. Festivals in Nepal are celebrated throughout the year. Apart from the mountains, you will have so much fun observing the unique Nepali culture.

4. Be wary of the Acute Mountain Sickness, as this is one of the set back of trekking in the high regions and should be considered seriously.

Here's a link to Nepal travel guidelines.