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RE: American Airlines misrepresented baggage policy on award booking containing an Alaska Airlines segment

in #travel6 years ago

There must be ways to continue to pursue this and get to higher management.

No I WAS WRONG, as I found out from consulting the maesters at FlyerTalk. The maesters where helpful in converting this HOSING into a learning experience. Select quotes:

  • I’ll bet there are very few of us who have not erred similarly at one time.
  • Live and learn, it happens to all.

I will look into Mr. Daniel Yanofsky for general counsel. I have also heard impressive things about this man, including the diligent work he has done regarding the Squibby bridge showdown. See for example, his presence in the courtroom in this shot from the MVTimes:

Reveal spoiler


Caption: Attorney for the plaintiffs, Daniel Larkosh of Larkosh and Jackson (left standing), reads aloud law relative to his arguments as the defendant's attorneys led by Peter Alpert of Ropes and Gray and the co-defendant's attorney, Francis Shannon III of Shannon Law Associates, sit and absorb. — Rich Saltzberg


@trang how do you like the polka-dots in the courtroom carpet at Dukes County Superior Court? Appropriate for a more residential setting?

What a terrible song!