Trip to Wilpena Pound- Flinders Ranges

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Two days ago I wrote about Parachilna, a small town on the way to Flinders Ranges. After we spent the night in this little gem we continued the trip to our main destination, Wilpena Pound. Flinders Ranges is one of the biggest tourist attractions here in South Australia, it is over 500 million years old and covers a large area which is about 100 kilometers long. What can you say about Flinders that already isn’t changes drastically with seasons!

When I visited it for the first time, during the spring, it was green and full of water. Small streams were covering almost every road, but this time it was totally different, arid and red where ever you look.


This time around we entered Flinders Ranges through Parachilna Gorge. You definitely need four-wheel drive for this kind of adventure!




The dirt road is long, dusty and full of crests, curves, dips, and bumps. If you are unlucky enough and it starts raining you are about to get into a real adventure.



Even Road sings here are a little bit different, this little kangaroo is offering a bear, well that was first.


As soon you see “the kangaroo’s back” wild ride begins. We were jumping, bumping like we were riding a horse and not driving in the car.




During winter or rainy season you should avoid visiting Flinders Ranges. At that time most of the roads are covered with deep water and it is quite risky to cross streams, trust me when I say that because last time we were there we hardly got out of two ponds. This time we were lucky we had only one water obstacle.



The scenery changes every few kilometers so you are never bored.




When we got out of a car on one of the stops, this goat was looking at as like it was asking “What are you doing here?”. You could almost feel the silence, there were only us, curious goat and hawk above our heads.



After a long drive on rough dirt road, we finally arrived in Wilpena Pound. We chose to drive up to Stokes Hill Lookout to have a better view of surroundings which is seriously spectacular! Dry season makes it magical! Where ever you look you will see beautiful red hills and those small patches of dry grass look like sprinkles of gold.




On top of the hill, you will find metal Wilpena diorama viewed against the background of some of the mountains that it depicts.



My children were, after long drive finally enjoying exploring surroundings and panoramic views.








On Stokes Hill, you will find written reminders about long Aboriginal culture and legends and few pieces of information about flora and fauna of the region.




Memorial stone for the loved ones which passed away.


After few hours spent in Wilpena Pound, it was time for a trip back home and we were farewelled by kangaroos.


I was too big of a coward to sit into a small plane and fly above Wilpena Pound (have a serious phobia), my husband didn’t succeed to convince me, so I borrowed this photo from the internet just to illustrate how Wilpena Pound looks like from the air.

Image Source
!steemitworldmap -31.458304 lat 138.736169 long Trip to Willow Pound d3scr


You've given me such a burst of nostalgia. The golden colour of that place is what stuck with me. Your photos are beautiful. I love this place. It is one of my favourite places in Australia.

I love this place too dear, it has some magical energy which draws you back again and again. Thank you!

Magical energy is the perfect description.

Hiya, just swinging by to let you know that this post made the Honorable Mentions list in today's Travel Digest!

Thank you!

Such a complet post, full with good shots. Thanks for sharing

Thank you, for stopping by!

Gorgeous post Di. Please tag this to Steemit Worldmap so we can curate it tomorrow!

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Thank you dear, I certainly will!

Great travel post Di. Nice day trip with the kids - but looks like a long drive in the heat to me. Australia is pretty arid, especially where you were.

Your photos are beautiful as always and I particularly liked the goat and big dry landscapes with mountains in the background.

I wouldn't have gone on the small plane either :)

Thank you my dear! Actually now is the best time to travel in South Australia, it is almost impossible during summer months because temperatures rise up to fifty degrees Celsius. Difference between Australian desert and others is colors of the dirt, they have all the shades of the red that you could think off, photos don’t do them justice.

We've had 50C weather here....a few times and it's not nice. It's hard to breath. You would have dry heat vs humid heat most likely. Rarely do we have dry heat. Ick.

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I have travelled around Australia quite a bit, but have not been to Southern Australia yet, but your photos from the Flinders ranges look amazing! It's definitely on my list now :)

I actually stumbled upon your post when searching for travel posts from Australia. I am a curator at @travelfeed and we are running short on posts for our Australia curation this week! We would love to see your next travel posts tagged with #travelfeed and you will then have the chance to be curated which will bring you some extra exposure and upvotes :)

Thank you kindly! South Australia definitely has some interesting spots to visit. Next time I post about Australia I will use the tagg!

Great, we are excited for your posts! :)

Hi @dijana969 what a wonderful post about an area I really love and wich I have to visit soon again.

Your Post gave me the motivation to put Australia again on the top 5 of my next year travel list. Let's see!