
It's an absolute honour to have your invitation, however we crawl out of bed at the average persons lunch.

I will have to pass but I thank you for the invite and I look forward to you sharing some more of your experience here in Montreal.

I have lived in Montreal for a total of 14 years with a gap in between. Most of my life in Ontario between Toronto and Niagara.I still feel like a tourist in Montreal sometimes. We usually don't venture far from the plateau. It's our favourite place to be. We also work near by in a restaurant. Convenience is perfect for us.

Enjoy your stay!!!

No worries at all, Carolyn! We ended up eating at Darling Cafe, just a few doors down from our Airbnb. Their veg cheeseburger was the best I've ever tried.

Oh nice! So you're very familiar with Canada. You wouldn't ever have to leave Plateau! Everything you need is right there. Thanks!

Darlings is always busy but I've never been. Next door is a Cafe where Leonard Cohen used to have a fruit salad. We saw him there when he was alive and in town. His old house was across the street from there. We met him at the park by his house.

I am so familiar with Canada since I've been here since the age of four. I wish my Canadian father would have left my mother and I in Thailand. Over all I would like to leave Canada and never come back but I can't. In the meantime the Plateau serves me enough.

Enjoy your time Eric!