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RE: ADSactly Travel - Where There's Beauty in the Japanese Alps

in #travel6 years ago

I know little about tourism in Japan. But now thanks to you I have expanded my knowledge. Now I have a positive opinion about Japan and its sights.

You spent an excellent holiday in a great place. I am a supporter of the fact that a good holiday is an active holiday. Although sometimes you want to relax in peace. Apparently you managed to count active rest and quiet. It's prekrasno. The variety of dishes is impressive, I believe that everyone who comes to the country should try their dishes.

Landscapes of the mountains look great. But the main thing is descent. Descent looks great and gives all lovers of skiing incredible impressions. I'm sure of it. I also liked the park of monkeys. These monkeys look pretty calm. Perhaps they are used to a large number of tourists. Explosive steam looks unusual and interesting. In general, a lot of beautiful places. I liked your adventure.


Hakuba skiing and the local people are world class. Love it out there :) I hope the world of crypto opens up all borders so we can all visit each other's country. Thanks for coming by and have a superb weekend!

"Appreciate you coming with us on our travels..."
Wishing you the best, @adsactly & @stewsak