
wow very beautiful place I want to go there in my vacation @banjo

No me importa.

i can see some good work in this pic.
it seems professional

View is so beautiful. One side sea beech and another side a beautiful lake make this view so beautiful and diffident from others. Endless sea looks so beautiful.colour of water diffirent in sea and lake also looking so nice.

👌 cool
Nice place

Wow, nice lake its shape almost resembles that of a heart sign.Thanks for sharing with us bro.

It's looking a samall lake but it,s greenery making it more beautiful.

It is beautiful place.where is this place? Keep support me.

This place is in Vasco, Goa.

Beautiful place


Nice! Can you swim in it? Is it deep enough to take the plunge from where you standing ;)

Hehe... I can't. Yes it looks deep enough.

Beautiful place for lovers

Hehe.. Go with your GF/ Wife and enjoy this beautiful place.

Must visit place...

Goa is really good

amarsinghktp dane
so beautiful potography

Zaber dast great

Goa is my dream destination. Would love to visit it

same here...

Even nature is in love with goa...

nice capturing

It's beautiful.

Amazing view India is so beautiful.

o my god.. really beautiful.. my eyes is resting on this view